“Is That You, God?”
Over and over again, the Bible tells us to ask. Do you know what God’s voice sounds like? Do you know how to truly listen? This message explains how to discern the voice of God over the voice of your own flesh.
Whenever I ask a question on Facebook about our clients’ biggest work challenges, many of the answers seem similar. So many of them revolve around a lack of focus, dealing with distractions and time management.
So, today I want to dive into these topics – because they are actually all related!
Did you know focus is a “learnable” skill set? But, just like any other skill, if you don’t practice and hone your skill, you’ll find yourself constantly struggling. But, imagine when you do master this skill set and able to put 100% of your focus on the goals and tasks in front of you. Think about how your productivity and success will soar, as you are able to get more done… faster!
Contrary to what you might think, you don’t have to work more hours to get more done. (We talked a little about that, last week.) The difference lies in working intensively versus working extensively.
So if you sow into a skill set focused on – well, FOCUS – you will find yourself becoming more productive, a better problem-solver, more efficient at time management and actually achieving your goals. Overall, this one thing makes you more valuable at work and will position you for promotion – in every area of your life.
The Law of Focus says whatever you focus on, is what you get good at. If you spend all your time focusing on things you can’t do, things that aren’t working or other situations you have no control over, you split your focus! You’ll find it takes you longer to get things done and it will never be your best work. And, in the end, the only skill you’ve mastered is how to increase stress over things you can’t control!
If your focus is split – whether at work, in your finances or your relationships – and you’re trying to juggle two tasks at once, or reach two goals at the same time, you’ve just issued an invitation to distraction.
But, you can begin implementing two simple and effective strategies in your life, to help you become more focused and efficient TODAY:
It comes down to this simple evaluation: What gets you results, helps you achieve your goals and moves you forward in life? What tasks are mindless or keeping you from your goals and causing extra stress?
It’s time to eliminate those things that aren’t helping you move ahead! What distractions, meaningless tasks or unfruitful habits do you need to get rid of? Hit me up on social media and let me know!
In great faith,
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Over and over again, the Bible tells us to ask. Do you know what God’s voice sounds like? Do you know how to truly listen? This message explains how to discern the voice of God over the voice of your own flesh.
You have a potent weapon within your power… a weapon to bring you victory in every area of your life. But, if wielded improperly, the sheer strength of this weapon has the capability to cause MASSIVE damage!
God is the same today as He was yesterday and His provision for the faithful never ceases.