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Failure SUCKS!!! (But It Doesn’t HAVE To…)

Even the most successful people fail – and they're successful BECAUSE they learned from their failures...just like we can! And YOUR success comes from how you CHOOSE to apply what you've learned...NEXT!

We can learn a LOT of lessons from failure. Unfortunately, most people aren’t willing to learn from their failures… but I dare you to be different! I dare you to look for the lessons in every failure!

Here are a few things I’ve been learning from my own failures:

  1. Don’t be afraid! No matter who you are, what you do, what challenge you struggle to overcome or obstacle you must push past, you WILL have “off” days! You WILL have days when you completely miss the mark! It happens! If you expect yourself to be 100% ON, 100% of the time, you’re setting yourself up for major disappointment and frustration. Don’t do that to yourself! Even the most successful people fail! (Dani will be the FIRST to remind you: “The road to success is paved with failures!”) And it’s true! So, you can either… accept it, and not be shocked or caught off-guard when failures happen, or pretend you’re the exception and then become so discouraged when you have an “off” day, you just quit. So, what, exactly, DOES bring success? What you choose to do NEXT!
  2. Just because you FAIL, it does NOT mean you are a FAILURE! Failing does not make you a failure. What you DO does not determine WHO YOU ARE! But, what DOES? Well, first of all, your Father in heaven determines WHO you are. And, guess what? He has called YOU to be a champion! He has given YOU everything you need to become outrageously successful. He created YOU for a purpose. He says YOU have a calling and destiny for your life, as He calls you OUT of the dry, broken, deserted places and INTO what He has planned for you… since before the beginning of time! That, my friend, is who YOU are! So, just because you may fail, it does NOT make you a failure.
  3. Failure is a springboard for MASSIVE GROWTH!
    • It strengthens your resolve. How badly do you want it? Are you willing to put in the effort, pick yourself up after a fall, give it your best shot again and again – as many times as it takes, to get to your goal? If you truly LEARN from a failure – and sometimes it has to be a really, hugely EPIC fail for you to truly learn – it makes you say, “I am NOT going back to THIS place again! Next time will be different!”
    • It reveals an opportunity for improvement. It’s not about condemning yourself; it’s about correcting yourself. There’s a BIG difference. Condemnation tears down, but correction builds up. Condemnation stunts growth, but correction encourages growth. Condemnation says, “You idiot, you did it again!” Correction says, “You’ve made a mistake, but here’s how we can get better!” You actually control the voice of correction OR the voice of condemnation, when speaking to – and about – yourself. Failure reveals an opportunity for growth… and that comes through correction.
    • It’s an opportunity to learn something. Ask yourself these questions: “What went RIGHT? What did I do better than the last time? How could I have handled this better? What should I do differently NEXT time?” This helps you to identify the lesson inside any failure. Because truthfully, failure can either cause you to quit or spur you to learn something to catapult you forward.

Bottom line, although you may FAIL one day, you can still NAIL IT the next. Failure is NOT FINAL and doesn’t have to take you out of the game!

Don’t let failure surprise or catch you off-guard. Instead, CHOOSE to get back up and jump right back on-track! CHOOSE to learn from your mistakes and failures! CHOOSE to rule your thoughts and reactions, instead of allowing them to rule you! CHOOSE to continue your journey to success, DESPITE your failures!

We can learn so many lessons from our failures! Ask yourself, “What can I learn from this?”

I’d love to know what lessons you have learned from your own failures. How have your mistakes and failures shaped your journey to success? How do you respond to failure? Do you get right back on-track or do you give up? Hit me up on social media!

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