Think BIGGER When It Comes To Your Dreams
Right now, there is a goal deep down inside of you that you are afraid to commit to, afraid to write on your goal list or even to say out loud.
Today we’re gonna learn how to save some money! (Everybody wants that, right?!)
One place people waste a lot of money is at the grocery store – and most never even realize it! Look, over the past several years I have seen and heard it all. And it always shocks me when people tell me how much they spend at the grocery store, acting like it’s normal. “Oh, I only spend like $200 a week.”
Uh, HELLO! When I had all my kids still living in the house, we survived just fine on $100 a week at the grocery store. Wouldn’t you love to find where that other hundred (or more) goes and have an extra four hundred – or more – in your pocket every month?
In reality, if you throw stale food, leftovers or moldy fruit into the trash, you throw away your hard-earned money. Let me repeat that – so you really get it – pitching your food in the trash literally equals cash in the trash!
Want to know THE number one, best way to save money at the grocery store? Meal planning! Taking a little bit of extra time to outline your foods for the week, will always save you from throwing out extra.
But today, I want to share a few tips to help out while you’re actually in the store, list in hand. This is where the real damage occurs.
Recognize we often pay more for convenience… and that money quickly adds up! Not to mention, those extra additives in pre-packaged, over-processed JUNK, make you fat, sick and broke.
Share this message with your friends and coworkers today! These tips can help anyone trying to get out of debt, lose weight or just save some money. It takes two seconds to pass this message along and has the potential to totally revamp someone’s personal finances! Then, be sure to let me know your thoughts and your own strategies on today’s topic!
And don’t forget to join us today for The Dani Johnson Show, to gain more insights for your everyday life. You can find the show on your TV and radio or stream today’s show, right here on our website.
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In great faith,
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Right now, there is a goal deep down inside of you that you are afraid to commit to, afraid to write on your goal list or even to say out loud.
It doesn’t matter if you have the “leader” title…a LOT of people call themselves “leader,” when the world needs REAL leaders, with an ownership mindset – those who make the TEAM’S success their main goal!
It is so disgusting what marketing and greed has done to take away from what should be powerful and meaningful times in our life.