Is Your “Poker Face” Costing You BIG?!
Even if you don’t gamble, you probably know what having a “poker face” means…and no matter what you do or who you do it with, mastering this particular ability can pay-off BIG in every area of your life!
One specific area often brings people a LOT of frustration, then they just decide to give up. And I want to make sure that doesn’t happen to YOU.
So, here’s the situation…
You make a decision, set a goal, and now you get really excited. So, you begin to take action and so desperately want to see results… NOW!
But, there’s this little thing called time.
During that time, people begin to get frustrated. Maybe they don’t see any early results or maybe the results just aren’t coming fast enough… so they quit!
So I made this quick video with some strategies to help you navigate this “in-between” time. It only takes 5 minutes to watch, so check it out now!
Then, be sure to leave me your comments below!
Don’t forget to join us today for The Dani Johnson Show, to gain more insights for your everyday life. You can find the show on your TV and radio or stream today’s show, right here on our website.
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In great faith,
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Even if you don’t gamble, you probably know what having a “poker face” means…and no matter what you do or who you do it with, mastering this particular ability can pay-off BIG in every area of your life!
Next time you walk into work, regardless of your title, pretend you own the company…not just going through the motions or only doing the bare minimum – because taking ownership can HUGELY impact your career!
When you’ve been hurt, it’s easy to put up a wall inside and try to guard your heart from experiencing that pain EVER again…but when you build walls, you keep others out – depriving yourself of LOVE! And that is NOT God’s will!