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Lost & Found

It’s that time of year when we reflect on the previous 12 months and make plans for the year ahead. For me, 2019 has been a wild ride. It’s the year I lost my job and found myself.

It’s that time of year when we reflect on the previous 12 months and make plans for the year ahead. For me, 2019 has been a wild ride. It’s the year I lost my job and found myself. I’ll explain.

In January, I was a director for a large, international organization. At the end of 2018, there was a big change in executive leadership and the new CEO decided it was time to shake some things up. As it turned out, I was part of that shake up. I can’t say that I didn’t see it coming. Things like this happen in the corporate world. But it was unsettling, none-the-less. Up until then, I had never lost a job before. And I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do. So, I decided to take some time and rethink some things. Things like, did I LOVE that job? No. Did I at least feel fulfilled working there? Again, the answer was no. Was I sad that I wasn’t going to be working there anymore? Nope. Did I need that job? Yes. Definitely yes. So, it was time for me to get busy.

I knew with my background and experience, I could help other companies grow and succeed. So, I took what I knew and created my own little marketing content consulting firm. I rediscovered the same passion for my work that I had when I first joined the workforce more than a few years ago. As I brought on more and more clients, I realized that I could use some extra help in keeping my growing business profitable. That’s how I found Dani and

When I began to plug in to Dani’s programs for business owners, I realized that there was one thing that had been following me around for years. Something that was hanging around my neck like an albatross. This thing affected every part of my life — personally and professionally. I’m talking about that awful four-letter word: D E B T.

It didn’t matter how successful my consulting business was. As long as I continued to carry around debt, I would only be able to live my life by default, and not by design. And that was unacceptable. 2019 was the year I turned that around. It’s the year I officially declared WAR ON DEBT.

Now that I’ve made the conscious decision to be the CEO of my life, I am moving away from thinking like 98% of the population who will either be dead or dead broke by the time they’re 65 years old. I refuse to be one of the more than 1 in 4 Americans expected to go into debt this holiday season. And I am NOT going to be part of the 25% of Americans who will take out a loan to cover this year’s holiday expenses. I refuse to be like those who will be giving themselves the “gift” of debt for the holidays. No thank you. Put me in the 2% nation, please.

While the rest of the world might be ignoring their mounting debt and holiday bills, now is the perfect time to wage your own personal War On Debt. There is no reason to spend yourself into financial ruin at any time of year – especially not over the holidays.

Want to know how my 2019 is ending? It’s a good story. One day in late September, I decided that as much as I loved owning my own business, what I really wanted to do was help other people on their journey to success. So, I communicated with some fantastic people at about what I was doing and what I wanted to do in the future and together, we decided it would be awesome if I came to work with the team! So, here I am. Talking to you. And paying off debt. 2019 has truly been a year of lost and found.

If you’re interested in waging your own War On Debt, but not sure where to start, I encourage you to check out Dani’s 10 Step War On Debt Battle Plan. This is a step-by-step plan to help get your finances under control, stop going further into debt, and never carry around the burden of debt again. Check it out.

Here’s to losing your debt, finding your dreams,and finishing up the year strong!

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