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How To Homeschool When You Want To Expel Your Students

In a time when schools and businesses across the U.S. are closed due to the Covid-19 virus, many parents are now finding themselves in unchartered territory: how to successfully manage working from home while helping their kids learn from home AND keep the household running smoothly! In this educational webinar, Dani shares her most-requested parenting and homeschooling tips that have worked for her whole family.

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • Why progress is much more important than perfection.
  • How to create an environment of peace instead of chaos and dishonor.
  • What happens when all members of your household act with respect and accountability.

Additional Resources

Grooming The Next Generation For Success This home study program empowers you with the skills and strategies to raise honorable, respectful and successful kids. You will learn to motivate your children, activate their strengths and minimize their weaknesses.

LifeMap To Success – Learn how to live a life where you’re not just surviving, but THRIVING…with skills for any economy, peaceful relationships, inspiration to grow, and more than enough money to do what you love….while making a difference in the world.

First Steps To Success — You have the power to thrive and claim a life of enjoyment – regardless of the circumstance. You can create success in your business or career right now. Your relationships and marriage can thrive. You can be unstoppable – no matter what your life looks like today, the power to create a better tomorrow starts now. During First Steps To Success, Dani helps you get unstuck so you can claim the life of freedom that you deserve. Join us…you have nothing to lose!

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