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First Steps To Success

Millions of people around the world believe that success is a lottery. Only a select few realize that learning new skills and strategies is the only way to achieve their dreams. At First Steps To Success, Dani presents concepts that will blow the doors off the prison of your failures and equip you for a life of uncommmon success!

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Already taken your First Steps To Success?

Once you’ve experienced Dani rewiring your mindset for true freedom and wealth, you’re ready for Creating A Dynasty - reserved for First Steps graduates only!

The Next


For First Steps Grads Only

Our ultimate leadership training event. Candidates are selected and groomed for up to six months before attending. In this three-day intensive seminar you’ll learn advanced techniques for growing your wealth, building a team and massively enhancing your productivity. Each registration includes regular appointments with an accountability specialist.

Get the Best Out of Your Marriage

What if you had a plan to build the EXACT marriage you and your spouse want? Not someone else’s idea of what a marriage “should” be, but YOUR vision of a relationship that thrills you, and your partner… everyday! You design it according to what both of you want. No one else – just the two of you.

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Hot Marriage Secrets

For First Steps Grads Only

Think of your best days. Go ahead, I’ll give you a minute…

Now, what if those BEST days were just the starting point for the lifetime to come? That’s what this event is all about, setting your sights on something much greater, creating an unbreakable bond and equipping YOU – AND YOUR SPOUSE – to achieve it!

You just have to experience it!

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On the Path to Freedom

Regardless of how much money was in their bank account, all of Dani’s clients found themselves trapped in a poverty mindset. Utilizing her field-tested strategies they are on a new journey, free from fear, hopelessness and excuses. This is the life of financial independence, confidence and relational harmony.

International Events

Encore Presentations

Dani Johnson and her team have authorized specific facilitators to take the message of First Steps To Success around the world!
These live hosted encore presentations feature a professionally facilitated video replay of a recent live First Steps To Success event.


Encore Presentations