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For use in non-property communication, the Destiny Global mark may be used in color, full-black, or full-white variations. Minimum size for most applications: 150px by 85px / 1″ by .45″

The mark may be used in color, full-black, or full-white variations. Minimum size for most applications: 150px by 85px / 1″ by .45″



Use only these approved colors.


All photos should be narrative in nature. They should tell a story or convey an emotion. They should generally be bright. Do not use pictures that contain questionable content such as dark themes, blood, gore and sex. Compress as best you can (aim for under 300k for a hero), but quality is preferred over speed, minimum Hero size of 1400px * 600px.

Product Images should be transparent PNGs, 600px * 600px


This is an H1 Headline

Roboto Black, 56px / 4em, 900 Weight

This is an H2 Headline

Roboto Black, 32px / 2em, 900 Weight

This is an H3 Subheadline

Roboto Black, 24px / 1.5em, 600 Weight, Letter-Spacing: .05em

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ultricies porta ipsum, sit amet lobortis massa sodales ut. Sed sollicitudin, elit a aliquam ultrices, ipsum ante scelerisque erat, sed rhoncus lacus dolor sit amet nibh. Curabitur mattis lacinia vestibulum…

Source Sans Pro, 16px, 300 Weight

  • This is an unordered list item
  • This is an unordered list item
  • This is an unordered list item

Source Sans Pro, 16px, 300 Weight

  1. This is an ordered list item
  2. This is an ordered list item
  3. This is an ordered list item

Source Sans Pro, 16px, 300 Weight