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Jenn Kimura

Addicted to sex, questioning her sexuality, overdosing on meth, suicidal and on the verge of prostitution. This is where Jenn Kimura found herself before First Steps To Success.

Addicted to sex, questioning her sexuality, overdosing on meth, suicidal and on the verge of prostitution. This is where Jenn Kimura found herself before she found hope at a live event, First Steps To Success.

Jenn believed she was called to a life of drugs, partying and promiscuity. After growing up isolated, she moved to New York and finally felt accepted in a group of Brooklyn friends.

“I felt like I knew myself, and really thought I was thriving.” 

But during the winter of 2015, Jenn’s lifestyle starting catching up with her.

“I was extremely depressed. I felt hollow and empty. Nothing in my life made sense anymore. I started smoking a lot of weed and binge drinking at home, but it was like all these vices were turning on me. I became extremely paranoid, and thought everyone was out to get me.”

She met a man who introduced her to crystal meth and overdosed in July of 2016.

“It felt like I was having a heart attack. I didn’t want to go to A hospital because I thought I was going to get arrested, and I was too ashamed to tell any of my friends.”

Despite the overdose, she moved in with the man who got her hooked on meth. Crippled by self-doubt, Jenn began to internalize his verbal attacks.

“I believed I was a drug whore, I was dumn, a disgusting person. I questioned my sanity. I became very dependent on him.”

She kept the relationship a secret from everyone in her life, and after another weekend of consuming hard drugs, Jenn knew she needed a change.

“I realized if I stayed there, I was either going to lose my mind and end up in a psych ward, OD on drugs, or I needed to just kill myself. I remember thinking ‘I can’t live like this anymore. I’m exhausted. I have nothing left to give.’ I felt totally stripped of my dignity. Totally stripped of everything good about me.”

But Jenn discovered she had another choice. She reached out to a friend who made her feel loved and accepted. Instead of judging her lifestyle, this friend always left the door open for Jenn to call anytime for help with her finances.

This friend, Claudia, prayed over Jenn and helped her call her parents. They came to pick Jenn up at 2 a.m., and she left behind everything from her old life but a single bag.

“I told my parents everything. It was like a purging. I felt responsible to tell them.”

Claudia invited her to a Dani Johnson live training event, First Steps To Success, and offered to pay her ticket to the event and get her a hotel room. Jenn accepted.

“I was still uncertain. I had this hollowness inside me, and I was desperate for peace. Everyone was happy-go-lucky and sweet and nice, and I felt like the black sheep. I felt alone. I didn’t think anyone would understand me or accept my past.”

But that weekend changed Jenn’s life. For the first time, she was faced with the truth of her decisions, but also instilled with the belief that she could overcome them.

“It wasn’t impossible. My life wasn’t over. The person I had been was not the person I was born to be.”

Jenn started dreaming for the first time since she was a little kid. She took responsibility for the choices she made in her past, and started making better choices for her future. She continued attending Dani’s live events, and experienced profound healing at an advanced training seminar, Creating A Dynasty.

“I discovered a memory that I had tucked away and actually completely forgotten about. I was molested by another child at the age of three. There were things awakened in me as a child that weren’t supposed to be awakened that early.”

Despite growing up in a Christian home, Jenn became addicted to pornography, and questioned her sexuality. She believed she born as a sexual being, and was destined to go to hell.

“I know I’m not alone in this. I can’t imagine how many other kids grew up like this. There was deep shame and pain. Even though I masked it with a very sex-positive and sexually freed attitude, deep down I believed I was un-marriable. I was so disgusting that no man would ever want me. I don’t like to call myself a prostitute because I didn’t even have enough self-confidence to ask for money. I just gave it away for free.”

But the support of her friend, who used what she learned from Dani Johnson to become a safe place, combined with a pivotal experience at First Steps To Success, brought amazing results to Jenn’s life.

She accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior, and has been delivered of the shame and self-hatred from her past. She is drug and alcohol-free and has completely restored the relationships with her family. In fact, Jenn and her entire family are attending First Steps To Success together in San Diego this January 19-21.

For the first time ever, she has consistently held a job for over a year. And, she was recently invited to share her story with a youth group. She knows what true peace, joy, compassion and happiness feel like.

“I feel kind of like an onion. God keeps pulling back the layers. But I’m so grateful for everything I went through because it’s what I had to go through to find him. And when you bring things into the light and talk about the things you feel you shouldn’t, then the enemy can’t use it to control you anymore.”

Jenn overcame her past, and is designing her future according to her own definition of success. If you want results like this, you need to join Jenn and her family, along with hundreds of others, at First Steps To Success in San Diego, January 19, 20, and 21. Get all the details here.