Like so many others, Judy Lowery tried to figure out how to run her home business all on her own. The result was $0 month after $0 month until she finally said "no more."
Judy Lowery got started in her home business to make a little extra income for her family of eight kids. Like so many others, she tried to figure out how to run her business all on her own. The result was $0 month after $0 month.
When a colleague told her about a free 30-day Bootcamp through, she signed up right away. She quickly went from $0 sales months to $600 sales months.
After two years of applying new tools, Judy decided she wanted even more out of her business. She learned about First Steps To Success, a live training seminar by Dani Johnson, and knew it was exactly what she needed to take her business to the next level.
“I knew what was working and what I needed. I saw what I could do with the free training. I knew it would be that much bigger after the three-day training.”
She was right. After that first event, Judy’s closing ratios doubled. In the next 15 months, she and her husband paid off $47,000 of debt. As she continued learning and applying new strategies in her business, the number of hours she worked each month dropped to four hours. At the same time, her income skyrocketed up to six figures.
“I wanted to focus on being a mom. I wanted better relationships with my husband and my kids. I started my business for the freedom and flexibility, but it’s easy to get discouraged. Or say oh I’m doing really well I need to work more hours and keep growing!”
Instead of giving into the pressure of working more hours, Judy focused on growing her team.
“During the event, there was a woman on the stage who made $5 million that year. That’s when the lightbulb went off. I knew she didn’t do that by herself. She had a team. I knew that there was no way I would have time to try and teach them and keep doubling my closing ratios. I needed to get my team in front of the same information I had.”
By bringing her team members to First Steps To Success, Judy leveraged her time and duplicated her efforts. She focused on the success and wellbeing of her team. She knew the best way to help them succeed was getting them access to the same tools that propelled her own success.

“My team is exploding! At first, I almost felt a little guilty because I wanted to focus on being a better mom and homeschooling my kids, and I was spending less time in my business. But I learned I don’t have to carry the weight of my organization. That’s the point of a team. When my income grows, their income grows and vice versa.”
Today, Judy is a full-time professional homeschooling mom to her three youngest kids. She has the freedom and flexibility to travel, focus on the things that are important to her family and does not have the burden of financial stress hanging over her. Judy changed her life her team’s lives when she attended First Steps To Success and got on the fast-track to building the life she wanted.
“You don’t have to spend years figuring it all out on your own. Whatever it is you want, you don’t have to do it on your own. If you don’t want to waste time on the learning curve, you need to go to First Steps To Success.”