Reject Offense…It’s THEIR Problem, Not Yours!
How do you handle offense? How has it hurt you or your business?
We all know the way people talk to us has a huge impact on our feelings towards them. In the same way, our own tongue has the power to help dictate the way those people talk to us. Click the play button below to learn biblical principles from Dani Johnson. This call is all about spiritually equipping you! Using “the best success book ever written,” the bible. Learn the Scriptures that pertain to the power of the tongue and what they mean! Not only will this call change your life, but the lives of everyone you come into contact from this day forward. Believe it or not, what comes out of your mouth has the ability to help make your life either great or a complete disaster.
On this call you will learn:
How do you handle offense? How has it hurt you or your business?
Experience the passion behind the book! This never before released video clip of Dani Johnson is from a sold out crowd nearly 2 years ago in Los Angeles – literally, […]
It’s all in the mind, they say – and on some level, they’re absolutely correct. Habits formed in your mind have kept you from financial success in life – so […]