Dust Off Those Year-End Goals – You STILL Have Time!
Join us today for this episode of The Dani Johnson Show, as Dani shows you how to grab your goals from the shelf, dust it off and FINALLY take strides to move toward it THIS year!
Do you want things to start happening? Do you need a breakthrough? This inspiring message will take you through the steps that will build your personal faith so you can succeed wildly and to believe that nothing is impossible. If you want to achieve your goals you can’t have a mediocre faith, it is going to take faith the size of a mustard seed. Listen to this Spiritual Equipping Broadcast to find out how to have faith that believes nothing is impossible.
Join us today for this episode of The Dani Johnson Show, as Dani shows you how to grab your goals from the shelf, dust it off and FINALLY take strides to move toward it THIS year!
You may think it’s a little odd to be talking about goals and New Year’s Resolutions at the end of October, but you can refresh your vision, refocus and take another swing at your 2015 goals…while you still have time!
If you’re someone who says, “Hey, I AM doing better but how do I get MORE!?” Today, just sit there a moment and recognize where you truly ARE: “Wow! Look how far I’ve come!”…then CELEBRATE it!