Are You Raising Brats or Successes?
Imagine a world where kids did not throw tantrums just because they couldn’t get something they wanted.What if they were very respectful, all from a very young age?
In today’s world, we’re encouraged to give an excuse for anything and everything. Adults nowadays act like little children when they don’t get their way. When was the last time you saw a child who was more well behaved and mature than 98% of the population? Can’t remember? That’s because they’re hard to come by. But when you do find one, it really gives you hope for the future and the next generation. Watch this video to see the success tips this young man has put to practice!
Imagine a world where kids did not throw tantrums just because they couldn’t get something they wanted.What if they were very respectful, all from a very young age?
Have you ever considered that your parenting could be “disappointing” your children!
in this episode of The Dani Johnson Show, Dani discusses the how (and WHY) of nurturing an entrepreneurial spirit in kids…and the tremendous leaps even the youngest feet can make!