Your “Baby Steps” DO Count!
When forming a new habit, it has to become second nature…and it DOESN’T happen overnight. But, when you make a solid decision and follow it with action, you WILL succeed!
Have you ever met a know-it-all? One of those people that go along with everything you say like they already know it? Or they try to impress you with their knowledge? The may even be your friendly Facebook “grammar Nazi”.
I want you to think for a second about how this type of person makes you feel! Do you enjoy it? HECK NO. But let me break something to you. While you may not be a full blown know-it-all you might have more in common with them than you think.
Have you ever gone to a job training and sat in the back rolling your eyes and thinking, “This is all common sense”? Have you ever stopped listening to your boss or co-worker try to explain something because you already know how to do it?
Let me tell you a little known secret in the business world. If you already know everything, you will never learn anything! And who the heck wants to work with someone who isn’t teachable? Who wants to hire somebody that already knows it all?
Teachability is one of the major laws for success! If you want to succeed in your career, you have to be teachable.
It’s not just about being a know-it-all, it is also a I-know-more-than-you. And I see it all the time. Look, I’ve been teaching and speaking at training seminars, live events, training calls, and presentations for over two decades. And I have literally witnessed people tune me out the second they find out about my faith. Or they stop listening when they realize I didn’t go to college. They think, “Oh, I don’t have anything to learn from her.”
If you are that person who is unteachable, you have argued with everything I have shared today, on my Facebook, or in past Daily Fixes. If you are that person, you are like thousands I have met throughout the world who end up never succeeding. They are always right – just ask them and they will tell you how right they are! There is something that goes with unteachable people who are right all the time – they are often broke, too.
Here’s the deal, it’s time to dump the ego! It’s time to dump the unteachable mindset. There are people all around you who have success in one or many areas of their lives, despite their IQ difference, faith, gender, or age. And when you are teachable, you find them. When you are unteachable, you think you are them.
When you think you are them, you’re stuck. You won’t be able to grow in any area of your life because you think you already know how to succeed. Look around! Is your life perfect, you’re debt-free and wealthy beyond belief, working the career of your dreams, and surrounded by perfect relationships? If yes, then congratulations! If not, then it’s likely that you still have something left to learn!
If you’re constantly pursuing success and learning how to attain it, you will end up a head above the rest of the 98% who are pursuing gossip, celebrities, and shopping for crap they don’t need.
It would be a great if everyone continued to stay teachable and continued to reach success. Think how much better your office or community would be if people stopped acting like they know it all! It would also be a good conversation to have with your friends and family. Simply print this page and pass it around, forward the email, or post this link on Facebook and Twitter.
This summer I am traveling with my family, so I won’t be with you on Wednesdays for The Dani Johnson Show or the Spiritual Equipping show. However, I will be live on the radio every Sunday night for the Dani Johnson Show at 9pm ET/ 8pm CT. Mark your calendars and let’s talk then!
In great faith,
P.S. Like what you read here? Just hit the “like” button at the top of the page! That will help your Facebook friends find this content!
When forming a new habit, it has to become second nature…and it DOESN’T happen overnight. But, when you make a solid decision and follow it with action, you WILL succeed!
Have you ever considered what you put into your shopping cart could lead you to financial independence, the freedom to travel, worry-free retirement, a debt-free education for yourself or your children, more time to spend with the people you love – doing the things you love?
Everyone wants everything… NOW! But remember, some of the best things in life are WORTH the wait!