Relieve The Pressure Of Perfectionism
There is a phrase we use in our office all the time. It’s a very powerful phrase that really relieves stress and pressure and brings such a glorious freedom. "Everyone […]
I want to share a quick tip with you today that I believe can help you in every area of your life. There was a study about procrastination that I came across last year, and it really amazed me. I hear of so many people who struggle with this issue, but there is a simple way to overcome it.
According to the University of Calgary, 1 in 4 people are chronic procrastinators. Whether it’s a student pulling an all-nighter to cram for a test, an employee waiting until the last minute to complete a project at work, or a mom putting off the laundry until she is surrounded by mountains of dirty clothes, procrastination can get the best of you if you don’t learn how to deal with it.
That’s why I want to share this quick message with you today. I’m sure you never deal with procrastination yourself, but if the statistic is true and 1 in 4 people are actually chronic procrastinators, that means you know a lot of people who could benefit from this.
It’s easy to make excuses and create distractions for ourselves instead of doing what really needs to be done. But the reality is, procrastination causes stress, anxiety, fear, unbelief, and pressure. Procrastination does not lead to success! The only way to beat procrastination is to take action now (not later)!
Procrastination will keep you from getting a promotion in your career. It will keep you from building your business. It will keep you from paying off your debt. It will keep you from going on your dream vacation. It will keep you stuck.
Procrastination comes from indecision, lack of vision, and lack of focus. But there is so much power in decision. When you make a decision and follow it up with action, that is when success happens. Decision and action leave no room for procrastination.
We live in a world that is filled with all kinds of distractions. As if procrastination was not a big enough issue, we have all these distractions like Facebook, email, and cell phones that are begging for your time and attention. And if you don’t direct your time, it will get sucked up into other places.
When we are distratced, we begin to feel overwhelmed by the tasks that are in front of us, but instead of pushing ahead and doing what needs to be done, guess what 98% of the population does! They procrastinate! They put themselves into this endless cycle of distraction, procrastination, and stress.
My friend, it’s time to break they cycle by taking action today!
Many people justify their procrastination by saying they work best under pressure. But according to a study published in the International Journal of Innovation and Learning, working under pressure leads to mental fatigue, which negatively affects work quality, productivity, work engagement, and innovation.
My friend, I know that you are capable of succeeding beyond even your wildest dreams. So I will leave you with this today…
We know that procrastination does not lead to success – it leads to stress, pressure, and fear. As you evaluate your own habits regarding time management and productivity, you have to make the decision: Will you choose to use these strategies to overcome procrastination and live the life you want to live? Or will you keep putting your dream life off until tomorrow (and the next day, and the next…)? It’s up to you!
Remember, I believe in you! I can’t wait to watch as you blow your own mind with the success you can achieve when you take action instead of putting things off until tomorrow.
Have an amazing and productive day, and until next time, God bless!
In great faith,
There is a phrase we use in our office all the time. It’s a very powerful phrase that really relieves stress and pressure and brings such a glorious freedom. "Everyone […]
Most people just wait to win the lottery or get a bonus or raise – but the moment they have it, IT’S GONE! We so easily fall into the trap of “more-more-more” until we’re buried alive in debt…but it doesn’t have to be YOU!
Have you ever considered what you put into your shopping cart could lead you to financial independence?