Build Relationships To Build Your Business AND Profits
When you’re just starting out, you may feel a little overwhelmed, so here’s how to start the personal referral chain and generate business… all for FREE!
I hear all the time about zombies in today’s entertainment and media. It seems to be a common joke and popular movie or book plotline that the zombie apocalypse is coming, and we all need to prepare! But would you believe it if I told you the zombies are already here? The fight for your brain has already begun!
And I am being serious. Think about it this way. When you were a child, what did you envision for your life? What did you want to do for work? Did you want to put on your suit and tie and go to work like your father, or did you plan to get rich quick and retire early on a remote beach?
As you’ve grown, your dreams and goals become smaller and smaller until even the huge career dreams you once had are reduced to settling for a paper pushing job. Because man, the economy is in a bad spot and jobs are few and far between. And man, you’ve got student loans, a mortgage, and all these other debts to pay off.
Right there, you just became a zombie! Your mindset has transformed into dead matter that no longer strives for success or has higher goals or visions for itself.
Because here’s what happens… Life changes constantly and you may have ended up at a job or career that you didn’t plan for. But how do you treat that job? I know for a fact you either do this yourself or you have people in your office who act like this. You become a zombie! You come to work, clock in and out and put in the required amount of time and effort to stick around.
I hear it from both sides, friend. I’ve heard the dozens of excuses from employees complaining they can’t find good work and the economy is terrible. And on the flipside, I hear DOZENS – if not hundreds – of employers complaining they can’t find good employees!
Look, if you act like a zombie, your boss knows it. Your coworkers know it. They can probably smell you out from a mile away. And sure, some of them might even share brains with you at the lunch table. But that mentality is NOT going to help you reach your goals or obtain the career you’ve always wanted. It isn’t going to help you gain the referrals or promotions to move up or move on to better things. It will keep you exactly where you are.
I was homeless and I started a business from my car selling a weight loss product. Do you think that is what I envisioned for myself? Do you think that was my endgame? Heck no! But you have to be faithful with the little things. He is who faithful with the small things, will be made ruler over much.
Basically what that means is if take responsibility for what you have in front of you, you will be given more responsibility. If you are taking full advantage of your career opportunities now, you will earn more! And it starts with changing your mentality.
When you adopt a zombie mentality, you limit yourself. You aren’t living and you aren’t dead. You’re not moving backwards, but you certainly aren’t moving forward either. You need to wake up! America needs to wake up! When you start putting 100% into everything you do, I guarantee you will see a change in your life. I guarantee you will see major growth in your life and your career opportunities.
Today I just want to encourage you, because you may not be where you expected in life. Maybe you’re where I used to be, utilizing what’s in front of you just so you aren’t homeless. But you need to know that’s okay. If you’re always being faithful with what you’re given, you won’t get stuck in that mindset!
I think today’s Daily Fix needs to be a topic in your lunch room, instead of complaining about the fax machine or all the things on your to-do list today. So send it to your co-workers and friends now! We all need encouragement and sometimes that push to keep moving forward. Like and comment below, I want to know you’re alive and kicking!
I’m looking forward to spending this Double Whammy Wednesday with you. Remember to hop on the Dani Johnson Show this morning at 12 pm ET/11 am CT for the discussion, and tonight we have our Spiritual Equipping Broadcast at 8 pm ET/7 pm CT. See you there!
In great faith,
When you’re just starting out, you may feel a little overwhelmed, so here’s how to start the personal referral chain and generate business… all for FREE!
Unforgiveness will keep you in bondage. It will keep you from taking risks. It will limit your earning power. It will keep you stuck in a rut for the rest of your life. My friend, unforgiveness will rob you of your destiny.
Everyone gets hurt sometimes, fails or drops the ball. Equipping yourself to move past that, keeping your dreams alive, is important.