Have You Been Living The Wrong Dream?
Sometimes you are going steady, achieving success, but at the end of the day, it just doesn’t feel right. You should be happy and from the outside your life looks perfect, but something is off. What is it?
Today I want to tell you about something that will help you in business, in your career, in your family, and really every area of your life.
Because here’s the truth: Everyone likes to be encouraged and edified. Everyone likes to feel special and important. And when you bring this principle into your company or your home, you won’t believe the difference it makes!
What does it mean to edify someone? It means to build them up. To uplift and encourage them.
But it’s so much more than just saying nice things to someone. There is such a huge benefit, both for you and them. And it takes a certain level of leadership and maturity to recognize that benefit and to actually use this strategy in your circle of influence.
First of all, when you edify someone in your company, in your community, or in your family, you are building that person’s reputation. When you edify that person in public, you are positioning them as a leader, as someone others will follow. You are actually positioning other people’s perception of the person you’re edifying.
I want you to think about that for a minute. Imagine that you are a CEO, and you see Sue, the receptionist in your office, who is doing a really great job. She is on the front line – she is the first person your clients come in contact with, and she is quick and efficient, and she always honors your clients and does her best to fill their needs. So you decide to call Sue out and edify her in front of the other staff members in your office. You tell her what a great job she is doing, and that you really appreciate her dedication to helping the team. You tell your staff that Sue is a great example of the kind of leader you are looking for in this company.
What does that do for your employees? It causes them to see Sue as a leader in the company. It totally changes their perception of her. And who is she? She’s the receptionist! She is the voice of the company. And by edifying her, it causes the rest of the employees to want to be part of it.
What does it do for Sue, the receptionist? It gives her a reputation she wants to live up to! You just set her up as a leader in the company by encouraging the things you want to see more of. And guess what? She will continue to step into that role.
And what does it do for you? It positions you as a leader. It shows that you are someone who encourages and speaks highly of others. It creates a mutually beneficial relationship between you and the person you’re edifying.
When you cultivate an environment of encouragement and edification, people want to be there. When people work in a positive environment, they want to come to work, and they will work better and produce more results.
Have you ever seen a company where there is a lot of negativity, a lot of belittling, and a lot of gossip? It’s because the environment allows it. Edification changes the environment into a place where people are happy to be there. It creates a certain standard for that environment and gives people the proper frame of mind.
There’s no down side to edification. Seriously, who doesn’t want to create more harmony, more productivity, and more effective teamwork inside of your company or family?
A lot of people won’t edify others because they are so full of pride. But edification is not about building the other person’s ego. It’s about positioning. Even if you can’t stand the person… Even if they drive you crazy sometimes… Even if you could do a better job of it… Edify them! It’s not about you; it’s about positioning them and pulling the best out of them.
Whether you are the CEO of the company or you were hired yesterday; whether you own the company or you work in the mailroom, this is something you can start practicing today. Edify your boss, your co-workers, your clients, and your prospects.
And it’s not limited to work situations. Edify your family! Edify your spouse in front of your children. Edify your children in front of their siblings. Edify your kids’ teachers in front of your kids.
You will be amazed by the changes you will see in the people around you. You will not recognize your work environment after you start creating this kind of culture. I’m telling you, by creating an atmosphere of edification, you are setting yourself and your company or family up for outrageous success.
It’s no secret that our world is full of negativity. All you have to do is look around you. But we can do something to change that! Imagine if you lived in a culture of honor, encouragement, and edification. Imagine how great it would be if everyone around you used this very simple strategy to create better relationships, to build bigger profits, and to expand their influence. How awesome would that be?!
The first step to making that happen is to spread this message. Go ahead and send this to everyone you know, and share this post on Facebook and Twitter. Pass it around at work today, and even hand it out to your employees or co-workers.
And then please let me know your thoughts about today’s Daily Fix. I really love reading your comments every day. I love to hear how you’re using the information I’m sending you, and it helps me to know what else I can do to help you succeed in your work, finances, family, and life. So please, leave your comments here.
Have a great day, and we’ll talk again soon! God bless!
In great faith,
P.S. Creating a positive environment starts with you. If you are serious about seeing all the benefits of the kind of environment we talked about today, then don’t wait. Start today!
Sometimes you are going steady, achieving success, but at the end of the day, it just doesn’t feel right. You should be happy and from the outside your life looks perfect, but something is off. What is it?
In honor of this Thanksgiving holiday, we’re foregoing our usual “Friday Favs”…in favor of a SPECIAL “Thankful Thursday!” Catch a glimpse of the “attitude of gratitude” we’re sporting TODAY!
Can you feel it? Something inside of you leaps for joy just thinking about those dreams you may have put aside. So, dare to dream today…think about the possibility of doing something truly spectacular!