Is Your Glass Half-Full Or Half-Empty?
Things happen, trauma happens. That is life! Studies show only 1 out of 3 Americans would consider themselves to actually be “happy.”
If “you are what you eat” translates into a healthier lifestyle, did you also know it can lead to a WEALTHIER lifestyle? How you approach your grocery shopping and cooking habits can lead to not only a longer life, but to a happier life!
Have you ever considered that what you put into your shopping cart could lead you to financial independence, the freedom to travel, worry-free retirement, a debt-free education for yourself or your children, more time to spend with the people you love doing the things you love?
Believe it or not, I have been able to follow all my dreams of travel, working only 20 hours per week and supporting all the charitable causes so near and dear to my heart, because of how I shop. Using a few simple techniques, I still feed a family of 6 along with frequent mealtime guests, for only $100 a week!
And, guess what, we’re not living on ramen noodles! I’m talking gourmet dining here… the kind of meals 98% of the population would pay hundreds of dollars for in a fancy, upscale restaurant to feed six people.
More importantly, this is all fresh, healthy food — no chemicals, no genetic modifications. And, I personally know thousands of people who use these techniques every day to reach their personal financial goals!
Sure, I could afford to eat at 5-Star restaurants for every meal, if I wanted to. But, how do you think I got to this place financially? And, why would I sacrifice all my other dreams just to eat an over-priced, over-processed meal?! If you would like to have this same financial freedom, then you can start with these simple tips:
None of these techniques involves making huge sacrifices in your lifestyle or preferences and can result in hundreds of dollars in savings EVERY MONTH! Imagine putting hundreds of dollars every month back into your budget. What could you do with that kind of extra money? Pay off your credit cards? Save for a dream vacation? Increase your charitable contributions? Pay off your mortgage years early? Increase your retirement investments? This list is limited only by your dreams!
If I can do it, then you can do it! And I’m always here to support you, so please follow us on social media and tell me what you would do with all these savings and what you’re doing to save money at the grocery store. Don’t keep these great ideas to yourself, be sure to “Like” and “Share” these thoughts with your friends, family, coworkers and social networks!
In great faith,
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Things happen, trauma happens. That is life! Studies show only 1 out of 3 Americans would consider themselves to actually be “happy.”
I constantly meet “unteachable” business people – and the vast majority fail. Now, imagine the future for a child groomed to BE teachable…and even if YOU weren’t as a child, it’s not too late for you or your kids!
What makes you indispensable? How do you become the one getting promotions and raises? You’re paid for the VALUE you bring into your company and when you raise your value, you become INDISPENSABLE!