Are You Always Playing “Spiritual Defense”?
Let’s talk about your heart. When you’ve been hurt, especially by other people, it’s easy to put up a wall inside and try to guard your heart from experiencing that pain ever again.
Have you ever thought about how incredibly powerful your mind is? I know you’ve heard about how powerful it is, but have you ever really thought about what that means?
If you have spent any time with me on our free training calls and radio shows or at our live training events, you’ve heard me talk about the two different populations in the world today. There’s the 98%, who will be dead or dead broke by age 65, and the 2%, who is doing well financially.
You might guess that the 2% was born into the right families and was given the perfect opportunities in life, while the 98% are those who were born into poverty and always seemed to get the short end of the stick. But that is not the case.
In fact, there is only one difference between those who fail and those who succeed. It has nothing to do with where you were born, who your parents are, or how educated you are. It has nothing to do with your race, religion, or geographic location. The difference in 98% and 2% is the way they think.
Your mindsets — how you make decisions and act upon them — will determine what you will have in your life. This is the Law of the Mind.
If you think like 98% of the population, you will have what 98% of the population has. If you think like the 2%-ers, you will have what 2% of the population has.
2%-ers know how powerful their minds are. They know they have the ability to learn new skills, create mutually beneficial relationships, and make wise decisions. And it all starts with the way they think. They also know that it’s extremely important to feed their minds the right things.
I want you to think about something right now. Would you let someone back up a garbage truck full of rotten food, dirty diapers, and smelly trash into your living room? Would you let your entire neighborhood drop off their trash in your bedroom every week? Would you open up your home as a community dump? NO WAY!!!
But let me ask you this: Why do you let people dump trash into your mind? Why do you open your mind to garbage from the TV and radio?
Is your mind not infinitely more important than your home? It is! That’s why it’s so important to closely monitor what goes in. Because what goes in will come out.
What do you allow to influence your mindset? TV? Music? Movies? Celebrities? Negative friends and family members? Or do you purposely feed your mind good things? Training that will help you reach your goals? Encouraging messages? Uplifting music? Positive people?
Can you guess what 2%-ers allow to influence them? They don’t allow garbage into their minds. They are very careful about what they feed their minds and who they spend time with.
Have you ever noticed how listening to negative messages or being around negative people actually changes the way you think? It makes you think negatively, which then makes you speak and act negatively. But when you feed your mind good, encouraging messages, it causes you to think, speak, and act positively. And why? Because what you put in, you will get out.
Only you can decide which population you will be part of: 98% or 2%. Only you can choose to succeed in your finances, relationships, business or career. And it really is as simple as choosing what you allow to go into your mind. It’s all about using the power of your mind to achieve your goals instead of sitting on the couch watching TV . You are in control of your own success. So choose to use the power of your mind to your advantage today!
Right now I want you to think about who you know that needs to read this letter today. You may know a few people who really struggle with negative influences, or people who just don’t have a lot of good influences in their lives. This message will bless them today, and it could even help them understand the importance of feeding their minds healthy things. You can share this link, or even print this letter out and discuss it with your family and friends. You never know whose life you will change by simply sharing this message today!
In great faith,
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Let’s talk about your heart. When you’ve been hurt, especially by other people, it’s easy to put up a wall inside and try to guard your heart from experiencing that pain ever again.
Does God REALLY make all things work together for good, or is it just a nice message to make you feel better? Is it true He will redeem all of your mistakes, hardships and mistreatment you have suffered? Let’s find out!
Success demands commitment. If you lack committed, you will never succeed. So how can you strengthen your own commitment and inspire commitment in those around you? Read to find out!