Your Tongue Is A Weapon…Use It Wisely!
Today let’s talk about a powerful weapon you have, a weapon to actually help you experience victory in every area of your life. However, if this weapon is not wielded correctly, it can cause a lot of damage.
With Father’s Day coming up this weekend, I want to take some time today to honor every father!
Ya know, fathers seem to get a bad rap. But, when is the last time you told your dad he’s a good father? When is the last time you encouraged him? When is the last time you told him he’s doing a good job, and you appreciate everything he’s done for you?
Even if you feel he wasn’t always the best dad or the best man… guess what? He will never be perfect! And neither will YOU! The way our society portrays fathers today is so out-of-whack! He’s either Superman, and therefore, he must be perfect and can make no mistakes. Or, he’s a lazy slob who sits around watching TV and drinking beer all day.
How we have devalued the image of fathers in this nation is so sad. Because the fact is, fathers make such a huge impact on families, the workplace and the community. And, you don’t have to be a perfect father to be a good one!
Dad, the world NEEDS you! The next generation NEEDS you! YOU are important! You matter!
Today, let me take a few minutes to shine a spotlight on some of the fathers in our “family.” I’m sharing their stories to inspire and encourage you! They will spur you on, and cause you to believe anything is possible!
Cody Owen
“Prior to First Steps To Success, our marriage, business, and family were awash in stress with no focus, no vision, no momentum. My wife, Giovanna, felt like a single mom because I was ALWAYS working. We were like strangers passing in the night. I would come home late, so exhausted, I had no time, no energy, no heart left to invest in my family… I worked 80-100 hours a week, made $50K personally, with our business grossing about $200K.“Then, 3½ years ago, our son, Jordan, was diagnosed with Asperger’s, a type of autism. Although very high-functioning, he had some challenges to overcome. We knew he had a tremendous opportunity to succeed later in his life, if taught how. We were determined to help him have a bright future – but at the time, we couldn’t even take him out in public without huge meltdowns, so we stayed shackled to our home and dreaded taking him anywhere. The school system was not set up for kids like Jordan to succeed, so instead of enrolling him in kindergarten, we started homeschooling.
“After attending First Steps To Success, I took a leap of faith and cut my hours back to 30-40 hours a week. Our personal income doubled, from $50,000 to $100,000, and business revenue increased to $400,000. We paid off $36,000 of debt in 18 months and just have our mortgage left. We’ve traveled more, and had more fun in the last 15 months, than in our previous 10 years of marriage combined! My wife and I frequently go on dates and have time to take a day off, spend time together as a family, making memories, PLUS our marriage is ‘smokin’ hot!’ We are best friends. We also give consistently, for the first time in our lives, and love being a part of building homes for the extreme poor in Nicaragua through King’s Ransom Foundation.
“Our 8-year-old son has learned so much by attending these events. He is honorable and obedient; he has great people skills, looks people in the eye and can carry on a conversation with anyone, even an adult he has never met. He loves God and gives generously to orphans. He is starting his second business and excelling in home school.”
Jim Stansfield
“My life was a complete train wreck a few years ago. I was RELIANT on alcohol and drugs, completely broke, living with my mother in a small 3-bedroom apartment.“I had just been to Six Flags with my daughter for her birthday, and I had to borrow the money from my former boss, just to be able to afford it. While there, I tried to convince her to ride a certain ride with me, because she was scared. We got to the front of the line and I walked up with her, all excited to experience this with my brave little 6-year-old girl… but there was one problem… I was too fat to fit on the ride! At the time, I weighed 342 pounds. It was seriously one of the most humiliating things I had ever experienced – in front of my own baby, no less.
“Then, something happened to change my life. My son, James Edward Stansfield, was born. I remember the moment I looked in his eyes and realized I was responsible for showing this little boy how to be a man, and I didn’t know how to be one myself.
“Since that moment, my life has done a complete 180! My friend, Kristen Ann, helped me to get involved in a business and then introduced me to Dani Johnson.
“Anyway, since attending my first First Steps To Success, my life is completely different! I lost 104 pounds, then found a job, which has led to THREE promotions! Last year, I walked away from my corporate job and went completely out on my own. I was scared, but at the same time, knew I could do it! Well, I’ve made more money in the last 30 days than I made in the previous 2 months! I am no longer a slave to my job, and I have freedom to do what I want, when I want. And I am no longer RELIANT upon drugs or alcohol!
“I have gotten to watch my son start using the potty. I’ve gotten to witness my fourth son, Gabriel, start saying new words. I went on an amazing trip to Cedar Point with my oldest daughter, Eva, where that humiliating moment came full circle… on a 300-foot roller coaster with my brave little 9-year-old now!
“I am not saying this to impress you, but to impress upon you that your life can be different… if you want it to be. I was in pretty bad shape, but not anymore, and am taking steps to ensure I never will be again!”
Peter Harpster
“Prior to plugging into, I was a newlywed, in the military and only making $19,000 a year. My wife and I didn’t know how to communicate with each other and we were living paycheck-to-paycheck, while going further into debt each month. We had no financial plan for our life and no vision.“In October 2011 we heard about First Steps To Success and immediately made the decision to attend. Since that time, we have paid off $140,000 in debt, and by using the principles taught at Creating A Dynasty, I’ve gone from making $19,000 a year to working my way up to a six-figure position in construction sales. I now know how to communicate effectively with my wife, and because of that we’ve had three kids since our first event and now have a flourishing marriage!
“You might already have a great marriage, and you might already be financially independent, but if you’ve ever thought there might be more to life than what you’re currently doing, then I suggest you take action and get registered for the next First Steps To Success.“
Let’s throw out the measuring sticks today. Let’s not pay attention to the picture society paints of fatherhood. Instead, let’s focus on the things dads do for us every day! It’s time to HONOR fathers, instead of tearing them down or reminding them of their mistakes.
So pick up the phone and call your dad. Tell him you appreciate him. Encourage him! Tell him you love him! Thank him for bringing you into this world, for raising you, for coaching your Little League team, for providing food, clothing and shelter for your family, for protecting you.
Also, take a few minutes to share this message with all the fathers you know! It will encourage and inspire them today! Then share one of your favorite “Dad” memories below… and let the world (and me!) know how proud you are to call him “Dad!”
And don’t forget to join me every day for The Dani Johnson Show, to gain even more valuable insights and inspiration! You can find the show on your TV and radio and please remember you can always stream today’s show right here on our website.
In great faith,
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Today let’s talk about a powerful weapon you have, a weapon to actually help you experience victory in every area of your life. However, if this weapon is not wielded correctly, it can cause a lot of damage.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the reality is, in 2015 you will fall into one of these three categories…
No matter what you’re facing today – big or small – I encourage you to ask God! The truth is, He has ALL the answers!