“I QUIT!” Your Ticket To More Free Time!
If you currently work in an unpaid “job” that takes time and focus away from your other priorities, you need to QUIT! When do you have time for YOU? No wonder you don’t have time to pursue your dreams!
Do you ever have jitters in your stomach because of what is taking place in the job market today? There are layoffs, corporations downsizing, job shortages… and unemployment rates aren’t looking too great either. The desire for simple job security can make you nervous, afraid or even force you to settle for less!
What if you never had to fear a layoff, a downsize, or even being fired ever again? What if I told you there is a way to totally dominate and control today’s job market and, in turn, your career? You would have the power to control your own job security.
There are 46 million jobs available today in our country and only 25% require a basic college degree. That means no matter your background, there are a LOT of job opportunities out there.
But the unemployment rates on the news or in the media don’t seem to suggest that, right? It’s interesting because here at DaniJohnson.com we work with both the employee and the employers on a daily basis. So we hear both sides of the situation. On one end is the unemployed who keep saying, “Man, I just can’t find a job.” And on the other side is the employer saying, “There’s no one to hire.”
There is a clear disconnect in the market! And the fault lies in the mindsets of both parties. Here’s an example of how your mindset might be playing into this division.
My husband and I used to go on dates at this one particular burger joint that served gourmet burgers – if such a thing exists. Their burgers really were delicious and, oh my gosh, the fries were so good, covered in garlic and parmesan. This small burger place in a small California town was always packed! Sometimes you’d have to stand in line outside for an hour or more.
One night when we went there, it was packed as usual, and we had to wait forever to get seated. The waitress came up and I said, “Wow, it’s busy tonight!” To our shock, she started talking to us about how concerned she was about the economy and how she was afraid she would lose her job!
What?! The economy was not having a negative effect on her place of employment. In fact, it was booming! But she was blinded by what the media was telling her and letting it change her attitude. The only thing affecting her job (and her tip), was her attitude. Imagine if that same waitress had made Hans and me feel like a million bucks instead of changing our entire date night into a discussion about the economy. Who wants to talk about the economy on a date? Maybe a few of you, but not me!
Look, the bottom line is this: there will always be opportunities for opportunists. No matter the economy, your education or your circumstances, there are tons of booming businesses out there that need your skill sets, your people skills and your great attitude. There are always people looking for great hires, doing well, giving bonuses and creating new positions for valuable employees.
And if you currently work for a company that you don’t think has room for growth, you are dead wrong! I cannot tell you the number of times I’ve heard people get promoted to positions that did not previously exist. What determines your value are your skill sets, not the company you work for. So even in the hard times, if your boss sees you as irreplaceable, you’re setting yourself up for promotions, bonuses and protection from layoffs.
Stop listening to the media. The doom and gloom are blinding you from all the opportunities around you. If you really want to take control of your job security, work on increasing your value. How do you increase your value? You increase your skill sets!
Let’s be done with the gloomy forecasts and work on actually improving our lives. Leave me your comments on today’s message on our social media pages and be sure to Like and Share it with someone else. You never know who needs to hear this specific message.
In great faith,
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If you currently work in an unpaid “job” that takes time and focus away from your other priorities, you need to QUIT! When do you have time for YOU? No wonder you don’t have time to pursue your dreams!
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