Is Broke, Lazy & Fat REALLY How You Want To Live?
We often pay more for convenience and that money adds up…QUICK! And those “bonus” additives in pre-packaged, over-processed junk, make you fat, sick and broke! Is that REALLY what you want?
In this uncertain economy and ever-changing job market, people are more concerned than ever about how to keep their jobs and move up in their careers in the new year. The rules of the game are changing, and now more than ever, it’s important to review your personal strategy for success, as well!
Instead of fearing the next round of layoffs, aim for job security and set yourself up for promotion. Look, I have been “the boss” for over two decades in many companies . These tips I’m about to share with you are exactly what I look for. You could say, “Nah, that doesn’t really apply to my job.”
Or, you could recognize this as a great opportunity for a peek into your boss’ mind. Let me help you get promoted. I want to see you grow, get bonuses, promoted and to become the #1 go-to person for whatever your specialized field may be.
Look over these tips for promotion and see what you could be doing to increase your value in the marketplace.
This may not be all there is to getting promoted, but if you focus on improving in these areas, it will definitely pay-off in your paychecks!
I truly believe you have great things to offer the marketplace, and I want to help you get there! Let’s work together this upcoming year to blow your career dreams out of the water.
Let me know your thoughts and career goals in the comments below and Like and Share today’s message, you never know who might need to hear exactly this message today.
If you’re looking for more tips to improve your career and income, join us today, for The Dani Johnson Show, to gain more insights for your everyday life. You can find the show on your TV and radio or catch today’s show, right here on our website.
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In great faith,
We often pay more for convenience and that money adds up…QUICK! And those “bonus” additives in pre-packaged, over-processed junk, make you fat, sick and broke! Is that REALLY what you want?
Imagine making a plea to God for grace…you’d do it for your family, you MIGHT do it for others. Now, think about the people who torment you or drive you crazy! Would you ask for God’s grace for THEM?
It’s easy to think if you just had the perfect job or if you married the perfect person or if you had the perfect kids, you wouldn’t have any of the problems you’re facing right now. Think again and learn how to truly be happy with your job…even if you hate it!