If You Take Time To See “Good” – You WILL Find It!
What do you see in your life, your family, your job? Do you see dark clouds…or the silver lining? It’s important to TRAIN your mind to LOOK for the good…because it IS there and you WILL find it!
I want to talk to you about the concept of having it all. The perfect career, great finances, a loving spouse and angel-mannered offspring. There is often this notion that in order to have the big paycheck or the great career you have to make a sacrifice. If you have ever read or heard anything from me at all, you know that notion is a lie!
I can tell you it’s true there are so many millionaires out there who are miserable! They might have the money but they don’t have a great life, a happy marriage or the time to travel. In fact I’d say there are actually very few millionaires that do “have it all.” And there’s plenty of non-millionaires who DO have it all, by the way.
When I was 19 I was introduced to a group of entrepreneurs and they were so different from anyone I met growing up. My background was full of negative influences, abuse and bad examples. So going from that to being surrounded by successful businessmen, the very first thing I learned was if you want to be successful you have to learn from successful people.
If you’re looking to “have it all” don’t just look at someone with the paycheck. Learn from someone who has mastered a life without sacrifice.
Maybe you’ve never heard me talk about my friend Jeff Usner. Jeff and his gorgeous wife Jennifer have become like family to me and my family. Just last weekend they were at my house having dinner and Jeff has even been a guest on my show.
When Jeff first came to us, he was seeking business training. He made decent money but he was working hours and hours and was still $285K in debt. He suffered a stroke, lost a child and was crippled by the stress.
You have to realize this was two YEARS after he started attending events. Jeff knew what War On Debt was. He’d heard my teachings before – but he never applied any of it to his life! He was completely unteachable.
Finally Jeff reached a point in his life where he was teachable, he stopped being stubborn.When Jeff actually started applying what he learned, his life completely changed. Now he has a successful Internet company, he’s also been on ABC’s Secret Millionaire, cut down his hours, cut out the debt. My family and his travel together all the time, hang out. You wouldn’t even know by looking at him what a bad place he was in – a total 180!
Look, my food for thought today is essentially that if you want to be successful you have to stay teachable. You could go out and find the greatest mentor in the world, but if you are stubborn in your own mind you won’t budge from where you are right now. You can’t learn anything when you think you know everything already!
In great faith,
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What do you see in your life, your family, your job? Do you see dark clouds…or the silver lining? It’s important to TRAIN your mind to LOOK for the good…because it IS there and you WILL find it!
The difference between people who have debt, living paycheck-to-paycheck and those who are debt-free or are banking money into their savings every month, is not how much money they make. It has everything to do with their mindset and how they view money.
You know the “half-empty”/”half-full” theory and by now you’ve probably figured out YOUR outlook. Sure, life DOES seems to “condition” you to see the bad side…but you have to ACTIVELY pursue the bright side!