10-Minute Tip: Are You A “Comfort King” (Or Queen)?
What’s bigger, your bank account or your utility bill? Summer, winter, spring or fall, this quick tip will help you to save a few bucks every single month.
Do your children provoke you to become better? Do they inspire you to love others well? Or are they often times the source of grief and frustration?
What’s bigger, your bank account or your utility bill? Summer, winter, spring or fall, this quick tip will help you to save a few bucks every single month.
In today’s world, it’s easy to let yourself go after a certain point. You have kids, you work all the time and you’re just too busy to put in that effort. But, when you look your best, you feel better and more self-confident! Use this quick tip for an easy hair how-to to give your confidence a boost.
Sometimes unexpected things happen that are totally out of our control… Listen as Dani shares a hilarious tale when poop happened to her.