10 Minute Tips
10-Minute Tip: Quit Playing The Fool!
Fools always lose! Do you want to keep playing the fool, falling flat on your face and losing out on success? You don’t have to, just start living wisely.
Do your children provoke you to become better? Do they inspire you to love others well? Or are they often times the source of grief and frustration?
Fools always lose! Do you want to keep playing the fool, falling flat on your face and losing out on success? You don’t have to, just start living wisely.
Many people talk about God’s will in terms of do or don’t, but in this video I want to address what it looks like to practically apply His will every day.
Have you ever been concerned, worried or anxious about your family, job or business? Does it cause hopelessness? So, let’s talk about the benefits of worry.