Turn Your TIME Into MONEY!
You’ve heard “time = money”…but you need to throw off that old mindset, because you do NOT get paid for your hours, you get paid for your RESULTS. And more RESULTS = MORE money – yep, it’s THAT simple!
Do you love money? Or more to the point, do you love spending money? If you are drowning in major debt, spending more than you earn or stressing to make ends meet, chances are you are in a dysfunctional relationship with your finances.
The funny thing about unhealthy relationships… it’s hard to see it, if you’re actually in one! Think about it – you have a friend who might be in the middle of a dysfunctional relationship with someone in their family or you see two friends who feed each other’s physical addictions, but they just can’t see it because they’re too close to the situation. That’s exactly why interventions exist! And the same thing might hold true for you and your relationship with money.
Look, you have been sold an idea of what wealth is supposed to look like. The media, car salesmen, marketers, real estate agents will tell you wealth is defined by stuff. But that stuff comes at a huge price. Because the financial pressure to keep up the “appearance of wealth” is stressful. And that price is not worth it!
Let me ask you, what is your top priority? The proof of your priorities lies in the fruit of your life. If you are reaping the fruit of stress, debt, bills, strained relationships, fights about money with your spouse: your priority is money. Your priority is spending money! You’re not married to your spouse, your married to your finances. And it’s not a great marriage, either. Is all that stuff worth it to you?
Money shouldn’t come before your relationships, your career, your goals and especially your health. If you’re suffering in a dysfunctional relationship with your money, it’s intervention time. This isn’t wealth, friend.
Are you ready to get on the right course and actually start accumulating wealth? Hit me up on social media and don’t forget to share this so your circle of influence can join this wealth revolution.
In great faith,
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You’ve heard “time = money”…but you need to throw off that old mindset, because you do NOT get paid for your hours, you get paid for your RESULTS. And more RESULTS = MORE money – yep, it’s THAT simple!
Today, I’m sharing a strategy that has helped me to clearly recognize God’s voice. And you don’t have to be some kind of super-duper-extra-spiritual person…you just have to be willing to listen and truly hear Him!
A great marriage does NOT go without challenges, temptations or failures…great marriages make it THROUGH those bad times and manage to survive, BECAUSE the partners made a decision to keep going!