People have such skewed ideas about money and wealth. It always amazes me how people automatically assume wealthy people are greedy people. It’s really sad, because one of the biggest secrets to financial success is actually completely opposite of what most people think.
Today, I want to show you a different side of wealth that completely changed how I think about money. It actually gets me out of bed every morning, the reason I go to work… and it’s not what you think!
See, money is just that – money. It’s not happiness, not love, not safety, not security, not a friend. It IS, however, a tool… a very powerful tool. You use it to buy food and clothing and shelter. You can use it to buy more food and nicer clothes and bigger houses. But what is it all for? What does it all mean? How long will it last? How long will you be satisfied with those things?
Probably not for very long. In fact, if that’s the way you choose to spend your money, there’s a good chance you will end up in debt and miserable. How do I know? Because I’ve been there.
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When I started making a little bit of money, I started spending it. I had it all – the house, the guest house, the furniture, the cars, the clothes. I had the BEST of everything. The bigger the paycheck, the bigger my spending. I was completely addicted to stuff.
But then one day, an experience I had changed everything. I heard a voice asking, “Who is this all for?” After going through the list – it’s not for Hans, not for the kids, not for God – I realized I had been completely consumed with stuff and crippled by greed. I had it all, but I was so empty.
I promised to share one of my biggest wealth tips today. It’s very simple and it’s something I learned after being set free from the greed plaguing me.
I began to put a purpose to money. I began to use the money NOT for more stuff, but to impact other people. And here’s what I found: when you have a vision for your money, when you have a purpose for making money, you will make more of it.
We take care of thousands of orphans on a monthly basis, as well as widows, the sick, the poor and those in the sex trade all over the world. THIS is why I do what I do. Not because I just love doing business training and consulting, or all the other businesses we have. I work and make money, so I can take care of more orphans.
When you put purpose to money, you will make more money and be more productive. And why? Because you have a reason to go to work every day. You have a reason to work with diligence and excellence. You have a reason to produce results and increase your value in the marketplace.
The work you do, whether it’s pushing papers, crunching numbers, teaching, making phone calls or doing construction, is no longer just about the work. It now has purpose.
When you have money, you can use it to impact others. Hans and I know this is the real reason for our wealth, and for years we have used our wealth for that very purpose. And you can do the same. You can contribute to communities and causes you care about. You can build wealth that will impact future generations.
When your motivation is not just to make money, but also to genuinely serve, you will see incredible multiplication – with people, time and money. Then, you will see yourself getting an amazing job, your bosses giving you promotions and your business taking off. That is when you will see your investments double and triple, your houses sell unexpectedly, and your bank accounts grow – all when you WORK and put PURPOSE to money.
So I want to ask you today: do you have purpose for your money? What gets you out of bed in the morning? Why do you go to work every day? Is it so you can just barely scrape by and take care of your family? Is it so you can have a nice house, fast cars and lots of stuff? Or do you have a BIGGER vision?
Take some time to think about this. Talk to your spouse and your children about your family’s financial vision. As a family, decide what kind of impact you want to have in the world. I guarantee this will build strength, loyalty, morale, leadership, excellence and diligence in your family.
You can begin by passing this message along to your friends, coworkers and clients. You can post this link on social media, or even share it via email. And I would really love to know your thoughts, your vision, your purpose for money, so please leave me your comments below.
For more wisdom, tips and strategies to take your life to the next level, be sure to tune in for The Dani Johnson Show today! You can find the show on your TV and radio and please remember you can always stream today’s show right here on our website.
In great faith,
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