Spark Your Entrepreneurial Spirit
Elizabeth and Ben became clients almost three years ago, and since then I’ve had the honor to hear how their success continues to grow.
Investments are tricky things and there is always risk involved. But today, I want to discuss an even BIGGER – and definitely the MOST important – investment you could ever make! And the best part is, there is no risk!
It’s not some secret stock tip, not the hottest market trend, not even the latest currency updates. It’s you! Your income and your skill sets are directly linked together. This one major thing never involves a risk and always pays a high return on your investment. The number one, never-lose, sure thing is any investment you make in yourself.
You hear what I’m saying? If you are looking to increase your bottom line, you need to invest in your skill sets. This makes you more valuable in the marketplace which will, in turn, increase your income.
The economy is always changing, growing and moving on to the “next big thing.” If you haven’t been investing in yourself, you are already falling BEHIND.
If you’re in the medical field, it doesn’t matter when you graduated. Nurses and doctors alike HAVE to stay up-to-date, because medical practices, medicines, treatments, protocols and research constantly change! Would you go to a doctor who was still practicing 20th Century medicine?
Do you still cling to those “computer training” classes you took 14 years ago? Just as you expect your doctor to remain current, so does the marketplace… putting this on your resume makes you look as outdated as someone who’s so “last century!”
Today, I want you to think about making 2 major investments in YOURSELF:
Everyone has something unique to offer to the marketplace. Do you want your skills to become overlooked or outdated? Or do you want to grow your skills and your value, along with your paycheck?
Let me know your thoughts below on today’s reminder and tell me what your next investment will be to better yourself! Inspire someone you know today by hitting Like and Share on today’s message.
In great faith,
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Elizabeth and Ben became clients almost three years ago, and since then I’ve had the honor to hear how their success continues to grow.
Most people just wait to win the lottery or get a bonus or raise – but the moment they have it, IT’S GONE! We so easily fall into the trap of “more-more-more” until we’re buried alive in debt…but it doesn’t have to be YOU!
I’ve seen gossip bring companies down faster than the FDA and FTC combined. It tears up marriages and families, destroys reputations and can obliterate your income.