Bury Your Weaknesses…And Miss The Chance To Gain Strengths
Identifying your weaknesses is the first step to getting stronger!
I’ve found four things absolutely essential to mastering any skill. Whether it’s prospecting or closing or follow-up skills, or even the skills needed to run a marathon or learn a new language, these four keys are vital, if you want to truly master it.
But before I give you these steps, you have to understand something See, I wasn’t always successful.
In fact, I was a high-school dropout and then homeless! Which shows you, success does not depend on how smart you are! Let’s be honest – you don’t end up homeless because you are super-smart or know all the right people. I was an outcast who made some HUGE mistakes!
It wasn’t until I started learning these four simple steps my life began to change.
See, I want you to understand anyone can use these four keys. Anyone can master a skill! All you have to do is follow directions.
If you have spent any time with me, you’ve heard me say the marketplace pays for value. And the only way to increase your value is to increase your skill sets. Today you’re going to learn exactly how to do just that!
In fact, want to know how confident I am? These steps will increase your skills SO MUCH, I’m positive we will have stories literally pouring in about people:
Trust me, we will hear the stories! The only question is, will one of them be yours?
Anyone Can Succeed…Even YOU!
Without a doubt, the best advice I can give you is to copy someone who’s already achieved the results you’re after. Coaching or mentoring from someone who’s “been there, done that” can make all the difference in the world. It will shave years off your learning curve.
That’s why I want to guide you through a step-by-step system that will help you to effectively communicate with people, motivate people and lead people. Thousands of my clients have used this proven system to get measurable results faster to set themselves up for a lifetime of happiness and satisfaction! Here’s how!
Adopt a willingness to learn new things and shed old ways of doing things.There are two populations in the world today: the 98% of the population who will be dead or dead broke by the age of 65, dependent on their friends, family or the federal government as their main source of income; and the 2% who are thriving financially.
The 2% have a VERY different way of thinking and operating in the world. As a result, their lives look very different than the 98%-ers. For example, 98%-ers constantly try to impress people with their knowledge. They have a know-it-all attitude and are afraid to admit they may not have all the answers.
But 2%-ers learn continuously to increase their skills. They focus on seeking knowledge and find new, more efficient, ways of doing things. They constantly say, “Teach me. Show me. Guide me.”
You may have heard the saying, “Repetition is the mother of skill.” And oh, how true that is!It is a total fantasy to think you only need to hear something once in order to get the full effect. It is a fantasy to think you will master a skill after only one try.
Mastery doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time and repetition!Imagine a child who is learning to read. He doesn’t learn the alphabet and then just magically know how to read. It’s a process. He only masters the skill of reading through repetition.
When you learn by repetition, knowledge becomes habit.This holds true for both positive and negative habits. We learn poor spending habits or poor communication habits through repetition; and we learn good spending habits and good communication habits, again, through repetition.
To succeed in anything, you must persist in the face of adversity! Do not give up when it gets tough. Sometimes learning a new skill is waaaay outside of your comfort zone, which may get difficult and uncomfortable, but persist!
Any time you set out to accomplish something, you will face adversity. But, that’s not a bad thing! In fact, without adversity, we tend to get lazy. We procrastinate, and we lose desire.
But adversity proves your desire and resolve, while strengthening your commitment.It’s impossible to build muscle without resistance, so push through! Persist! You got this!
Consistency ties all of the other steps together. You must remain teachable, continue in repetition and consistently persist.
Without consistency, you cannot master a skill.Without consistency, you might give it your all for a while, but then you back off and stop working toward your goal of mastering a skill. However, with consistency, you are a lean, mean mastery machine! In order to master any skill, you must be consistent!
I believe you can use these steps to master ANY skill set you have a desire to learn. It works for me, and it has worked for countless others. I know if you follow these simple steps, you will see huge results. (And I, for one, can’t wait to hear about your success!)
So now it’s your turn. Keep in mind, the higher your skill level, the bigger your paycheck! So what skills will you master this year? Be specific. What specialized skills will you focus on increasing this year? I would really love to know – so please leave me your comments below!
If you work with people, manage people, live with people or know people (I know you fit into at least ONE of those categories), then you’ll definitely want to share this message!
Can you imagine if every person around you knew how to quickly and efficiently master any skill? Imagine how smoothly things would flow at work and at home. Imagine how much more fun you could have if you were confident about learning a skill.
Imagine how much more money you could make if your entire team was in “mastery mode” instead of trying to just force-feed a new skill! All of that can be a reality, if you just pass this message along.
And remember to join me today for The Dani Johnson Show, as I continue to share additional success tips and strategies! Tune in on your TV and radio and please remember you can always stream today’s show right here on our website.
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Identifying your weaknesses is the first step to getting stronger!
Love is such a huge concept…but have you ever thought about it, in the actual terms of “patience” and WHY it’s so closely tied to love? God wants us to be patient, because PATIENCE is a basic building block of LOVE!
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