Have you ever taken a look around and wondered how the heck you got where you are? Like you just stumbled into the wrong place… with the wrong people… doing the wrong thing… at the wrong time?
Tap Into Powerful Biblical Secrets To Gain The Life You Are Meant To Have!
In this BRAND NEW installment,
Spirit Driven Success II, Dani explores the deeper biblical principles every believer craves for a heightened relationship with God. You will learn how to open the doors to God’s vision for your life and
unlock your true destiny.
Or maybe you just felt like a job, task or even a relationship, is just way more difficult than usual and you can’t figure out why. You’re confused, unsure if you are doing the right thing, are in the right place or fearful of the outcome.
Historically, there are a number of others who have felt the same way! Even in the Bible, Abraham left his father’s house to go to the Promised Land and instead ran straight into a land ravished by famine.
Often times, doing the right thing is not the easy choice. It takes an amazing amount of courage to stay on a path where God has placed you. But then you hit that famine, when you were told it was the Promised Land, and you ask yourself, “Did I make a mistake? Should I go back to my father’s house?”
Today I want to equip you with 3 steps to transform you from a confused, whining wimp to a courageous warrior of Christ.
- Recognize weaknesses: When you are full of yourself and over-confident, you are blind to your weaknesses. It becomes easy to lead yourself into destruction because you don’t ask for help, direction, support or a sign of confirmation. Ask God for confirmation and be open to spotting – and working on – your weaknesses!
- Worship God: This one is pretty simple. If you want to know if you are on the right path, you have to work on your relationship with Him. If you aren’t communicating with Him – you definitely aren’t going to be hearing His instructions.
- Tear down your idols: You might not even realize you have them! But think about it… what occupies your mind most of the time? Are you consumed with concern, obsession or thoughts of money, recognition, stuff, alcohol or fame? These idols could be robbing your time and be the root cause of your fear and frustrations.
God is drawn to obedience. He is attracted to it, blesses it and prospers it! He blesses those who are obedient and those who follow directions. He raises those who are obedient to the top, makes them the leaders! He draws people to follow them and to fight for, and with, them. He gives victory, redemption and restoration to those who are obedient. He will give you success, even when you are scared, weak, or feel out of place.
If you take a look in the Book of Judges, the story of Gideon shows him leading a group of 300 Israelites against an army of 10,000. They were outnumbered and afraid. But instead of fleeing, Gideon obeyed God and led his men to victory. Each man blew their trumpet and God sent confusion. The enemy of 10,000 destroyed themselves!
“When they blew 300 trumpets, the LORD set the sword of one against another even throughout the whole army; and the army fled as far as Beth-shittah toward Zererah, as far as the edge of Abel-meholah, by Tabbath.” (Judges 7:22) Because of Gideon’s obedience and leadership, he went on to lead the people of Israel through 40 years of peace!
Are you afraid? Maybe you feel like everyone is against you and you aren’t where you’re supposed to be in life. But listen up! There are people who are called into your life who will never become who they are supposed to be, if YOU do not obey God’s plan and become who YOU are supposed to be first.
Set aside your cowardice next time you feel that fear, that doubt and revisit today’s message. You might want to print it out and keep it close by as a reminder. Please leave me your stories or thoughts below and remember to Like and Share today’s message.
If you’re looking for
spiritual success, be sure to check out the release of our brand new second installment in the
Spirit Driven Success Series and join us on
The Dani Johnson Show bright and early at 7 am, or on your own schedule at your convenience! You can tune in to the show on either your
TV or radio and please remember you can always
stream today’s show right here on our website.
In great faith,
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