“Let Me Tell You A Story About…”
Among all the details salespeople explain, too often they completely overlook what truly matters! The ONE thing people want to know… will it work for ME?! Facts tell, but stories sell!
Can you believe how quickly 2015 is flying by? It seems like just yesterday we were ringing in the New Year! Now here we are, almost halfway through the year.
You may think it’s a little odd to be talking about goals and New Year’s Resolutions in June. But I’ve seen too many people get off track and never reach their goals. And I don’t want that to be you. That’s why today we are refreshing your vision, refocusing, and maybe even taking a second swing at your New Year’s goals.
These 4 keys will keep you on track:
Whether this message comes as encouragement to stay on the right track, a reminder to get back on track, or a much needed wake-up call, I hope these tips help you to move toward your goals!
I believe in you, and I can’t wait to hear your recap at the end of the year, when you’ve successfully accomplished everything you set out to do in 2015!
Can you think of 5 people who could benefit from an extra nudge back onto the right track? It could be your friends, family, church members or even coworkers. Go ahead and forward this message to them and be sure to let me know below how you plan to finish 2015 off the charts.
If you’re looking for more financial wisdom, tips and strategies, try our live event, First Steps To Success, and join us today for The Dani Johnson Show, where you can gain more inspiration to improve your everyday life. You can find the show on your TV and radio and please remember you can always stream today’s show right here on our website.In great faith,
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Among all the details salespeople explain, too often they completely overlook what truly matters! The ONE thing people want to know… will it work for ME?! Facts tell, but stories sell!
The truth is, 98% of people graduate from high school, finish college and then they stop learning. They stop increasing their skills. But to become successful and continue to gain success, you have to keep increasing your skills and learning new things.
Often people make the mistake of being blind to the effects their actions have on others. But every decision you make has a “domino effect.”