Surrender To God & Receive HIS Miracles In YOUR Life!
Those miraculous acts from thousands of years ago, were performed by the same God you know today…the God who turned water into wine is the SAME God who can move mountains in YOUR life!
Are you SURROUNDED by people who only tell you what you want to hear? Or do you have people in your life, who will tell you the TRUTH? Are you afraid to hear the truth?
In reality, if you surround yourself with “yes men,” you severely limit your success.
Watch this short – but powerful video – and discover how to both welcome and receive truthfulness in your life… positioning you for massive success in your career, relationships and finances. Please let me know your thoughts below – and be sure to give it to me STRAIGHT!
Then remember to join us today for The Dani Johnson Show, to gain more insights for your everyday life. You can find the show on your TV and radio or stream today’s show, right here on our website.
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In great faith,
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Those miraculous acts from thousands of years ago, were performed by the same God you know today…the God who turned water into wine is the SAME God who can move mountains in YOUR life!
Watch now as Dani spells out the step-by-step path to forming new habits or breaking old ones that have been on your “To-Do” list for years!
When you make a decision to go against-the-grain, just know there WILL be people who won’t understand your choice. They will misjudge, criticize and be jealous of you – but that’s not on YOU…it’s THEIR problem!