The Culprit To Blame For Your Life!
Do you let your circumstances define you? Or do you seek a pathway around them?
Have you ever been in a dysfunctional relationship? Maybe you and your spouse aren’t talking, and you avoid talking to or even looking at each other. Or, on the flip-side, perhaps you’ve become overly-dependent on each other and virtually inseparable. Dysfunction can take many different forms.
Do you have a similar relationship with your money? You’re trying so hard not to talk about money, so you won’t pick up the mail or answer the phone for fear of a bill collector? Maybe, in your mind, if you ignore it, the problem will go away (or just not stress you out as much). Or could be all you can think about is what you want to buy with your money and how to get even more money.
Whether it’s avoidance or dependency, money is always on your mind. And bottom line, this is NOT a healthy relationship!
If you didn’t realize you and your money ARE in a relationship, you probably aren’t treating it right. And if you don’t have the skills to handle your money now, you will be even more messed-up when you DO have more of it!
Let me ask you a few questions, and if you say “yes” to any of them, you may need to rethink your current relationship status.
Look, money is a very valuable tool. When used correctly, and in healthy circumstances, it can really do great things. But if you believe money is everything, that’s how you will live your life. And trust me, if you believe that, then you will never make enough money… even if you are a millionaire!
Because your money WILL get sucked into endless “things,” unless you TELL it where to go.
The thing about relationships is, most people tend to get all wrapped up in the emotional elements of them. Emotions drive the relationship, instead of wisdom, skills and purpose piloting the relationship. When your relationship with your money is driven by emotions, you do not think clearly, you cannot stick to a budget, and money meant to be used as a tool to move you ahead, gets sucked into all the wrong places. (Ever heard the phrase, “Looking for love in all the wrong places”? That usually describes human relationships, but it’s true of financial relationships, too! And where does that end? Destruction!)
So, how do you cut the emotion OUT of your money and start to build a healthy and beneficial relationship with your bank account? Create a budget! (You can learn exactly how here and here. And to help you even more, we have created a free 10-day “War On Debt Battle Plan” to help you kill your debt, get your finances on track and jump-start your journey to financial independence! Get started here.)
It’s time to start using your money as a tool and not as a significant other. End the war with your finances, drop the cold shoulder and make the changes you need to fix it.
What changes are you going to make in your relationship with money moving forward? Leave me your comments below!
Then, join me today for The Dani Johnson Show, when we share even more strategies to make all your relationships healthy… even the one with your money! You can tune in on your TV and radio or you can always stream today’s show right here on our website.
In great faith,
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Do you let your circumstances define you? Or do you seek a pathway around them?
No battle is too great, no adversary too big – or small – with God’s Spirit upon you. Don’t worry about your enemy’s strength, how weak your team might be or if people don’t listen. If YOU listen to Him, you WILL win!
Years ago, I did EVERYTHING I could to look like the “picture of success.” But YOU don’t have to “pose” to be successful….a lesson I learned years ago, and a lesson society STILL struggles to learn today!