The Basics Behind The Tithe
I want to talk about something that constantly baffles me in the spiritual community.
The holidays are quickly approaching, and with them come vacation days, time off and family trips. What are your plans this year? Are you staying home with family or possibly visiting friends or relatives?
It’s funny, because Americans love talking about travel. It’s a big dream for most people. We even pay for specific TV channels devoted exclusively to travel and subscribe to magazines about travel. But when it comes right down to it, most Americans DON’T actually travel!
Why not?? If so many people have that dream, then what keeps you from actually traveling? Money, family obligations, time off from work, your spouse doesn’t want to go to the same place… the “reasons” (or excuses) are endless!
What happens is, you start with this dream to travel the world. You want to go to Africa, Bora Bora, Europe, Japan! But once you have a full-time job, kids, a business or other obligations, it quickly turns into “Well, I’d love to do that… but I only get two weeks off and we have to visit family in Minnesota.”
So sad to have such a beautiful world to explore and to never step outside of your country, state or even, hometown.
I want to challenge you today. If money were no object, what would be your dream travel destination? Maybe you’ve had this far-off dream of Thailand, Paris, Israel. Maybe you want to jump out of a plane in Australia!
Honestly, no one wants to live an “average” life! Ask yourself, do you want to be one of those Americans who wishes they could travel, dreams of it, pays for channels and magazines to see it… but never actually DOES it?
Most people just take unforgettable adventures off the table, simply because they think they can’t afford it or think they don’t have the time. Today, before you go overboard on holiday spending, consider this goal, instead.
What if you decided to substitute presents this year, so your family could go on a crazy-awesome, long-awaited vacation together next year? You could collect pictures of where you want to go or what you want to do and wrap those instead! Imagine the anticipation! The joy! The excitement! The possibilities! What if you found certain small things in your budget you’re willing to sacrifice now, to enjoy the benefit later?
My friend, don’t be one of those people who dreamed of traveling but always said, “Someday, I’ll make it happen…” Stop delaying or ignoring your dreams! Write down where you want to go and start coming up with ideas on how you can get there!
So I want to ask you today – where do you want to travel? Tell me your travel dreams in the comments and let’s go beyond “average” and begin to take actual steps to achieve those dreams! I can’t wait to see your travel list!
And don’t forget to join us today for The Dani Johnson Show, to gain more insights for your everyday life. You can find the show on your TV and radio or stream today’s show, right here on our website.
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In great faith,
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I want to talk about something that constantly baffles me in the spiritual community.
How you approach your grocery shopping and cooking habits can lead to not only a longer life, but to a happier life!
No matter what type of example you set for your kids, remember…they are always watching you. And they will follow your example. If you feel shivers running down your spine right now, then this message can restore your peace of mind!