What EVERY Man Needs To Know!
Think about this, especially if you are a man. Do you know SPECIFIC self-defense skills to protect yourself and your loved ones? If not, whether you are a mother or father, married or single, it’s critical you learn!
Let’s talk about money today! There’s a very important mindset, and if you actually invest your time to develop this mindset, your profits will grow like crazy!
Have you ever been told, “Money doesn’t grow on trees”? Maybe your mom or dad, a teacher or a boss told you this. Their intentions might have been good, but they only told you half the story! Money DOES grow, but certainly not on trees… or even in banks or on credit cards!
However, money IS a seed. In fact, you’ve already got seeds in your pocket. Of course, the question now is: how do you get it to grow? You can literally grow money through your ability to work with people effectively.
First, let’s just say my early influences did NOT equip me with these skills! I grew up in an abusive home, shunned by my friends and church after I became pregnant at 17, and when I was 21, my then-husband left me for another woman. So, it’s safe to say I was NOT a big fan of people!
But, I was now homeless and needed something. When I started that first business out of the trunk of my car, how was I able to do it? How was I able to set up a phone mailbox with absolutely no money?
I made friends with the guy from the phone company! You see, I began to learn how to communicate with people in a way that honored and benefited them. Guess what – when I put others’ needs first, I actually benefited from that simple act, as well.
Please understand me… I am NOT saying to manipulate or use people! Instead, listen to them and communicate in a way that makes them feel heard. You build trust, which helps you to create a mutually-beneficial relationship. I’ve said it a thousand times before – you reap what you sow. So, when you SOW honor, you will REAP honor.
When you honor people, you protect your biggest asset: PEOPLE. Think about it… people help you solve problems and bring opportunities. How often do you turn to “your” people for doctor, plumber, real estate agent, or even date, referrals? Did you land a job because you knew someone?
Research shows every person knows at least 2,000 people by the time they’re 20 years old. Now think about this – those 2,000 people know 2,000 people… EACH! Imagine your dynamic influence in their lives, if you honored and listened to them, helped them meet their needs and connected them with others. See how this would grow your income?
Maximize your personal resources and start making a list of everyone you know… every person who comes to mind. Jot down how you know them, their occupation and what they do for fun. You meet new people every day, so add to your list EVERY DAY. As you make your list, think about these people and how you can help them to meet their needs. Build and strengthen those relationships, and your business and finances WILL grow.
I hope this has been beneficial. And if it helped you, would you mind passing it along to your family, friends and coworkers? It’s safe to say everyone can benefit from simple strategies to increase their income and influence. Since Facebook and Twitter are great ways to connect with people, an easy way to share this message would be to simply post this link! Then, one final “share”… please share your thoughts about influence and income with me below.
In great faith,
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Think about this, especially if you are a man. Do you know SPECIFIC self-defense skills to protect yourself and your loved ones? If not, whether you are a mother or father, married or single, it’s critical you learn!
What if you never had to fear a layoff, a downsize or even being fired ever again? What if I told you there is a way to totally dominate and control today’s job market and, in turn, your career?
A few days ago, I had a genuinely profound revelation: a HUGE difference exists between the culture and mindsets of Americans versus Europeans…historically, one explores and one settles – which are YOU?!