Time To DUMP The “J-O-B” Mindset!
Society tells us if we’re not happy, we should move to something that WILL make us happy…leading people to abandon their roots, without giving themselves a chance – but the deeper your roots, the bigger your fruit!
Today I want to do something a little different. Every weekday morning, you receive The Daily Fix, either delivered straight to your Inbox or right here on our website.
Most days, it’s a personal written message. But today, I want to share a video with you. It will encourage and inspire you, and – I hope – answer some questions you might have rolling around in the back of your mind.
I know how frustrating it can be to have so many questions… and NO ANSWERS! I know what it’s like to feel so lost and confused, like you’re the ONLY ONE with those questions.
And that’s why I recently decided to clear time in my schedule to sit down, open up my phone lines and answer some of those very questions.
So I’m sharing that video with you today. EVERY question revolves around spirituality… your walk with God, how to get closer to Him, how to receive His blessings in your life, how to hear – and discern – His voice, and even how to improve your relationships with other people.
Please watch the video, and then let me know your thoughts below! What are your most pressing spiritual questions? I’d love to know. (And, who knows, maybe YOUR question will be the inspiration for The Daily Fix as an answer in the future!)
Then, be sure to tune in to The Dani Johnson Show today for a special Spiritual Equipping message! You can find the show on your TV and radio and remember you can always stream today’s show right here on our website.
In great faith,
P.S. Like what you read here? Just hit the “LIKE” button at the top of the page! That will help your Facebook friends find this inspirational message!
Society tells us if we’re not happy, we should move to something that WILL make us happy…leading people to abandon their roots, without giving themselves a chance – but the deeper your roots, the bigger your fruit!
There is a huge difference between an employee and an employee-preneur. Even though you are employed by someone else, you’ve got to think like an owner of the company, if you REALLY want to get ahead!
At 17, I got pregnant out of wedlock, and then four years later, at 21, met a guy and married him only 7 DAYS after we met.