The Best Defense Is Not Taking Offense
Offense is something presented to you and me all the time. There are always opportunities where you can be hurt or take something in the wrong context.
Do you believe business success is just for certain people? Think you need a certain degree, level of education, luck, upbringing… or all of the above? Sure no matter how hard you work, you will never shatter that glass ceiling blocking you from promotions or success in your career? I can tell you, there IS something different about people who succeed – and it isn’t what you think!
On our radio show, I talked to a man named Roger, who described it better than I can. “When I look at the business world, I see two types of people: Entrepreneurs and business people. The entrepreneurs are determined, they know who they are and they aren’t going to let anyone stand in their way. Business people are not determined, if society tells them not to do something – either because of the economy or something else – they won’t do it.” If they encounter a struggle, they cave in.
You see, it’s a totally different mindset. But good news, you can reap huge benefits from adopting this entrepreneur mindset… even if you’re employed by someone else. Would you go about your job differently if you were an entrepreneur, if you pretended you were the owner of that company?
You’d probably be more faithful with your time, work harder to find solutions to problems and think about ways to make that company more profitable, right? Most employees don’t think that way. They think the way the media or society tells them to think. Which, for most people, is believing no promotions are in sight, the economy isn’t stable enough and you should do just enough to not get fired.
The bottom line is, there will always be opportunities for opportunists. No matter the economy, your education or circumstances, tons of booming businesses out there need your skill sets, your people skills and your great attitude. There are always people doing well, looking for great hires, giving bonuses and creating new positions for valuable employees.
And if you currently work for a company you don’t think has room for growth, you are dead wrong! I cannot tell you the number of times I’ve heard people get promoted into positions that did not previously exist. Your value is determined by your skill sets, not the company you work for. So even in the hard times, if your boss sees you as irreplaceable, you set yourself up for promotions, bonuses and protection from layoffs.
Stop listening to everyone else. That doom and gloom blinds you to all the opportunities around you. If you really want to take control of your job security, work on increasing your value and adopting that entrepreneur mindset. So, how do you increase your value? You increase your skill sets!
Let’s be done with the gloomy forecasts and work on actually improving your life. Leave me your comments on today’s message below, and be sure to share it with someone else! You never know who needs to hear this specific message today!
And don’t forget to join us today, for The Dani Johnson Show, to gain more insights for your everyday life. You can find the show on your TV and radio or stream today’s show, right here on our website.
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In great faith,
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Offense is something presented to you and me all the time. There are always opportunities where you can be hurt or take something in the wrong context.
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