Would You Wish God’s Grace On Your Worst Enemy?
Imagine making a plea to God for grace…you’d do it for your family, you MIGHT do it for others. Now, think about the people who torment you or drive you crazy! Would you ask for God’s grace for THEM?
Did you know social scientists estimate that the average person knows at least 2,000 people by the time they reach age 20? I know that sounds like a lot of people, but think about it – you meet new people every single day at work, at school, at the grocery store, and even walking down the street.
Can you imagine what could happen in your relationships, your business, and your finances if you knew how to get those 2,000+ people working on your side?
If you take what I’m going to share with you today and you apply it, you are going to grow your business quickly, learn how to save a crazy amount of money on the products and services you use every day, make a profound impact in the lives of everyone you come in contact with, or even find a new or better paying job.
Whether you’re building a business or charity, looking for a job, or looking for a date, you must expose your product, service, idea, or of course, yourself (not that way).
There are an unlimited number of ways to expose whatever it is you’re selling – advertising on TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, flyers. You can use pins, buttons, t-shirts, and hats. You can even use social media for this purpose!
But the most powerful form of advertising also happens to be the most overlooked form of exposure. It seems to be a last resort for most people, but it is the most effective, and it is free!
I know you’re probably thinking this sounds too good to be true, but keep reading and you’ll see for yourself just how powerful this particular form of exposure is.
You’ve got to learn to maximize your personal resources.
Now, I’m not talking about that old slimy sales pitch you’ve heard a hundred times, "You can sign up in my downline and then go call all your friends and family and make them sign up in your downline, and then they’re going to call their friends and family, and then you are going to get rich!" HECK NO!!!
What I am talking about is building a network and creating mutually beneficial relationships. It’s all about becoming a connector for people. For example, you know people who are looking for a job, right? I’ll bet you also know people who are looking to hire people. Hello… Become a CONNECTOR! This is where you give referrals and help those people get what they’re looking for.
I am a firm believer that what you hand out, you will get back. So when you begin to give referrals to other people and really focus on helping to fill other people’s needs, watch out, because you will start getting referrals as well! Why? Because you have created an extremely high value for yourself by becoming a connector and a "go-to" person.
So who is on your list of resources? Your friends, family, co-workers, college friends, high school friends, your hairdresser, the bank teller, the Starbucks guy, the lady that does your nails, the manager at the gym. This includes EVERYONE you’ve ever come in contact with.
You should constantly be adding to your list of resources. When you start using Magnetic Influence, you will find that it’s very simple to meet new people and begin to build new relationships.
And why should you build your list of resources? Because it will open up so many new doors for you! It will greatly expand your circle of influence, and open up new opportunities that you would not have otherwise.
Your list of 2,000 (or more) people not only gives you access to the people YOU know, but it gives you access to their circles of influence as well. Think about it… 2,000+ people behind each of your 2,000 people? That’s a lot of people that you have access to!
Marketers are always trying to get to your list. Think of it this way – Abercrombie isn’t about getting YOU to buy their clothes. They are about getting you to advertise for them. That’s why they put their label on the outside. You are advertising their clothes to your circle of influence. So if these marketers find your list so valuable, why don’t YOU use your own list???
If you haven’t already, I want you to go ahead and start making your list today. Ask yourself, "Who do I know?" You’ll be surprised by how many people you actually know. In fact, I’d love for you to share your thoughts about today’s Daily Fix. If you are actively growing your list, please tell me the results you have gotten from using this strategy. I’m always interested in hearing your feedback!
Also, you can begin to activate your list of personal resources by sharing this message with your friends, family, and co-workers. Sometimes getting out of a rut in business, in your finances, or in your everyday life is as simple as doing something a little differently, and this may be just the change someone needs today!
Other than that, I hope you have an awesome day, and we’ll talk again soon. God bless!
In great faith,
Imagine making a plea to God for grace…you’d do it for your family, you MIGHT do it for others. Now, think about the people who torment you or drive you crazy! Would you ask for God’s grace for THEM?
He is already in the midst of every problem you are facing right this very moment, and He has the ability to fix those problems.
A tool so powerful you should be using consistently, whether you are an entrepreneur or an employee…yet, most people don’t understand its importance, so they don’t take advantage of it! Learn what it is NOW…