The BIGGEST Mistake You Can Make…When You Make A Mistake
The unavoidable fact is, we ALL make mistakes. But the WORST possible thing you can do is to become defensive and make excuses to EXPLAIN “WHY” you made the decision you made!
You have an enemy. He wants you dead, beaten, down for the count. He is lurking around, waiting to devour you. If you think you don’t have this enemy, wake up to reality!
A weapon of mass destruction is defined as a weapon capable of causing widespread death and destruction. You may be thinking of terrorists and wars right now, but the reality is, the enemy of your soul has a sneaky weapon of mass destruction that can destroy families, businesses, relationships and reputations.
This is a weapon, for whatever reason, you have allowed in your life for way too long. In fact, you’ve probably wielded it yourself at times, not even realizing the damage it can cause. It’s called gossip! So let’s talk about how you can overcome this enemy and disarm this devastating weapon.
Gossip has the power to destroy families, churches, corporations quicker than any man-made weapon. A business will go from booming to a total ruin, overnight. All due to the power of the tongue. And the enemy sets you up to hear it, speak it or be ruined by it.
“A fool’s lips bring strife, and his mouth calls for blows. A fool’s mouth is his ruin, and his lips are the snare of his soul.” (Proverbs 18:6-7). What I love about this verse is that it is actually pointing out that strife will fall on the fool! And you don’t often see that side of it, do you? Usually you see people who leave their jobs or walk out on relationships, because of the pain of that gossip.
But the truth is, gossip will circle back to you or will always hurt he who spoke it!
If you are carrying around this weapon of mass destruction, you are an agent for the enemy. You started carrying around the deception however long ago and you keep it with you, armed and ready to go just in case you need it.
Instead of being a part of it, you and I both need to become agents of peace! Let’s become part of the other side that is edifying, encouraging and loving toward others. Become a person other people can trust! That doesn’t mean you’ll never gossip or get roped into it ever again… everyone stumbles.
But today, you have to decide what type of person you want to be and what you want to be known for. Do you want to be known for 7th-grader behavior that for some reason still lives on the tongues of 45-year-old men and women globally?
I believe you are called to a much higher level than where you are currently sitting. Promotions are in your destiny and you will be unstoppable in the marketplace, the home and your community. Because I believe you were meant for something so much bigger.
Are you ready to become an agent for peace? Leave me your comments and don’t forget to Like and Share today’s message, let’s spread the message and disarm the enemy!
We will be here twice today on The Dani Johnson Show for a specially prepared spiritual equipping message. Join us at 12 pm ET and again at 7 pm ET. You can tune into the show on either your TV or radio and please remember you can always stream today’s show right on our website.
In great faith,
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The unavoidable fact is, we ALL make mistakes. But the WORST possible thing you can do is to become defensive and make excuses to EXPLAIN “WHY” you made the decision you made!
2016 is NOT over yet…and time to check some things off your January resolution list. Even if you ONLY complete a few things, it’ll boost your confidence and put you a step ahead for 2017 – so DON’T give up!
In the business world, this is the time to review accomplishments during the first quarter and to identify goals to focus on in the second quarter… known as “quarterly goals.”