The Culprit To Blame For Your Life!
Do you let your circumstances define you? Or do you seek a pathway around them?
I have to tell you about this one particular skill with an extremely high value in the marketplace. In fact, it’s a skill all employers, all managers and all clients look for. It’s a skill with the potential to multiply your productivity and make you more money. It is a skill you must master if you want to succeed in business, in your career and in your family life. And yet, it’s so, so simple…
Now, I could tell you initiative is a skill you must master. I could tell you how high the skill of initiative ranks in my own professional opinion. I could tell you it will massively increase your value in your workplace and in your home, and help you to get massive bonuses and promotions. I could even tell you initiative will set you apart as a leader in your place of labor, whether you are in a leadership position or not.
But that doesn’t help you at all…
You’ve got to understand exactly what initiative is, why it’s important and how to use it.
So, what is initiative, exactly? According to “Merriam-Webster” initiative is defined as “initiation of action, independent of outside influence or control.”
Initiative is when you see something needing to be done and you do it without having to be told. It’s going the extra mile. It’s learning new skills so you can do your job better, whether that job is as a stay-at-home parent, a business owner or an employee.
Initiative has an extremely high value in the marketplace. Employees and managers, as well as customers and clients, absolutely LOVE working with people who have initiative. It makes their lives so much easier!
See, when employees have initiative, it saves the boss time (and time is money…). The boss or manager doesn’t have to worry about whether or not things will get done. Instead, they trust the employee to take care of things.
It works the same way in the home. I hate to break it to you, but if your house or your car is a mess, that shows a lack of initiative. It shows you are waiting for someone to show up and clean it FOR you. But there is no cleaning fairy, no laundry fairy, no cooking fairy, no debt fairy, no grocery fairy. It takes initiative to get up and get things done around the house!
Imagine if your kids mastered the skill of initiative. What would your home look like? Do you think your productivity in the home would improve? Imagine what your kids’ future would look like if they mastered initiative at a very young age!
When you have no initiative, you teach others they can’t trust you to get the job done. You show them you are not dependable. In fact, a lack of initiative is actually what trains your boss to micromanage you! It shows they have to babysit you, if they want things to get done. This causes major stress for your boss, your manager or your clients.
Remember earlier, when I said initiative is a skill most people will not learn or use? Initiative sets you up as a leader, regardless of your title or position. When you have initiative, you will be known as the dependable one – the one who will go above and beyond to get things done. While everyone else points out a task that needs to be done and says, “Oh well, that’s not my job,” you will step-up to take care of it. Do you see how this sets you apart?
Initiative requires you to take ownership of your job, your business or your home. It requires you to find a need and fill it. And sometimes, it requires you to step-up and ask questions.
You can take initiative by learning more about your job or business and furthering your skills on the side. If you see your skills are lacking in a certain area, ask for help or take a class to help you advance your skills in that area. Become a problem-solver. Always seek solutions.
So right now, evaluate yourself. Look at yourself objectively. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your initiative? Don’t evaluate yourself based on how you think your initiative is – rate your initiative based on your results!
If you lack initiative, see if any of these “initiative killers” might be present:
All of these things will kill your initiative. Luckily, initiative is extraordinarily simple and easily learned.
I am so excited to watch as you master this skill, because I know it will massively impact your business, career and family. I can’t wait to hear your results, so please let me know below!
In great faith,
P.S. Like what you read here? Take your business skills to the next level with more simple skills anyone can learn. Click here to get “Business Is Simple” in the LifeMap To Success.
Do you let your circumstances define you? Or do you seek a pathway around them?
Who you ARE comes from how you SEE yourself. If you see yourself as fat, ugly or stupid, you can’t see beyond it – blocking a view of your destiny with that “I can’t do anything…no one wants me…I’m ugly” vision!
It’s so important to identify your insecurities, in advance, so when they arise you know how to deal with them. Do not run and hide from your insecurities – it’s time to attack them head-on!